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A Step-By-Step Guide To Replacing The Fuel Filter Of Your Lawn Mower

Fuel Filter

One of the critical factors that ensure a smooth-running lawn mower is a clean fuel. This is why most lawn mowers come with “fuel filters”. These filters prevent foreign particles in the fuel from clogging the engine. 

We’ll go over the importance of fuel filters and a step-by-step guide on how to replace fuel filters properly. 

A Step-By-Step Guide To Replacing The Fuel Filter Of Your Lawn Mower

There are many critical factors that allow for a smooth-running lawnmower engine. One of the most important factors is having clean fuel. This is primarily the reason many homeowners and contractors install replaceable filters. 

Fuel filters act as strainers to prevent any dirt and debris in the gas from reaching the carburettor in the lawnmower, snow blower, and other outdoor equipment. 

Typically, filters are replaced annually as part of a routine to keep the lawnmower running at optimal performance. However, homeowners can replace the fuel filters more often if the engine shows signs of misfiring or sputtering. 

Replacing the fuel filter is important because:

  • It prevents dirt or debris from clogging the engine
  • Dirty fuel filters lead to diminished performance and uneven operation

Where is it located?

In most lawnmowers, the fuel filter is located inside the fuel tank or the fuel line. Some lawnmower engines have internal, non-replaceable filters. 

If you are not sure where your fuel filter is located, you can refer to your lawn mower’s manual. You can also check your engine’s Illustrated Parts List or consult experts here at The Mower Place for the correct replacement filter. 

How do you replace a fuel filter in a lawnmower?

Each lawn mower engine is different. This is why experts recommend consulting the mower manual.

However, there is a general method that most homeowners can use. 

  1. Position the mower on a level and hard surface. Allow the engine to cool. 
  2. Place a plastic pan under the lawn mower’s fuel line to catch any spills. 
  3. Compare your replacement filter to the old one before you uninstall it. This lets you know which direction to install the new fuel filter. You can also look for arrows showing the direction of the fuel flow. 
  4. Wear protective gloves. This keeps your hands away from fuel. 
  5. Clamp the fuel line hose just above the fuel filter where the fuel runs from the tank toward the filter. 
  6. Loosen the clamps on both sides of the old fuel filter with pliers. Slide the clamps away from the filter. 
  7. Gently twist the old fuel filter to loosen it from the hoses. 
  8. Remove the filter. Let the fuel drain into a plastic pan. 
  9. Insert the new ends of the new fuel filter into the hose ends. Make sure that the new filter is installed facing the same direction as the old one. 
  10. Move the clamps on the hoses over the ends of the new filter. Tighten the clamps with the pliers. 
  11. Remove the plastic pan and wipe up any fuel spills.
  12. Start the lawnmower. Check that there are no leaks in the fuel line. 
If you’re looking for a replacement fuel filter for your lawn mower, we have a wide range available here at The Mower Place. View our catalogue by visiting our website at https://mowerplace.com.au/.  
Do you need advice or help from outdoor equipment experts? Call us at 1800-558-400 or get in touch through our Facebook page

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