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5 Tips and Tricks for Keeping Your Lawn Looking Amazing All Year Round

Having a stunning lawn is the ultimate goal for many Australian homeowners, but achieving this isn’t always easy. Different seasons affect various plants differently, weed and pest control are constant battles, and changing weather patterns can wreak havoc on your lawn. In this post, we explore five tips and tricks for keeping your lawn looking great all year round. Whether you’re an experienced landscaper or just starting, these tips will be of great benefit to you.


Mow your lawn regularly

Mowing your lawn is an essential part of lawn maintenance, and it’s often the task that is most overlooked. Regularly mowing your lawn helps to reduce weed growth, encourage healthy grass growth, and prevent long grass from suffocating your lawn. We recommend mowing your grass every 10-14 days in the spring and every 3 weeks during summer. By reducing the blade length by a third, you promote healthy root growth, which keeps your lawn looking lush.


Water your lawn properly

Proper watering is a crucial part of lawn care. If you overwater your lawn, it can become soggy, which can lead to fungal growth and other problems. If you don’t water your lawn enough, it will become dry and patchy. The best way to water your lawn is to water it deeply and infrequently. During the summer months, you should water your lawn every 10-14 days. In the winter, you can reduce the frequency to once every 3-4 weeks.


Fertilise your lawn

Fertilising your lawn is essential to ensure healthy growth and retain its lush appearance. We recommend fertilising your lawn every 6-8 weeks. Use products that are appropriate for your lawn type and follow the instructions on the package. Using fertilisers rich in nitrogen is excellent for promoting growth.


Control weeds

Weeds are common in most lawns, and if left untreated, they can get out of hand quickly. There are different methods of weed control, including chemical and manual. We recommend using a combination of both methods. Pulling out weeds manually ensures that the roots are removed, preventing the weeds from growing back. Using herbicides will kill the weeds and prevent them from growing back.


Overseed your lawn

Overseeding is the process of adding more grass seed to your existing lawn to increase the density of your grass. This helps to cover bare patches and promote healthy growth. Overseeding is best done in the spring and autumn months, and it’s recommended that you choose a grass type that is compatible with your existing lawn.


With the above tips, keeping your lawn looking amazing all year round is achievable. Keep in mind that different lawns require different care, and it’s essential to understand and cater to your lawn’s needs. By following these tips and tricks, your lawn will be the envy of the neighbourhood. Of course, Mower Place are always on hand with expert lawn advice, just call us or visit one of our handy Brisbane locations, we’d be happy to help!

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