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Can Lawn Mowers Get Wet?

Can Lawn Mowers Get Wet

Lawn mowers are designed to be used outdoors and exposure to water and moist may not be avoided. Can lawn mowers get wet? And what should you do if it gets wet?

Can Lawn Mowers Get Wet?

Lawn mowers are designed to be used outdoors. But since machines don’t mix well with water, it may raise a few concerns. So, can lawn mowers get wet? The answer is yes.

Lawn mowers can get wet as long as it doesn’t get soaked with water, a little bit of rain won’t cause any problem. But the real question is, how wet is too wet?

In this article, we will discuss in-depth what you need to know and what you should do if you get your lawn mower wet.

What Causes a Lawn Mower to Get Wet?

A lot of things can cause your lawn to get wet. Leaving it outside overnight or leaving it outside in the rain can cause it. Even without rain, the morning dew can also make it wet.

You also expose the lawn mower to water when you mow after heavy rain. If exposed to condensation after being stored for a while, it can also trap moisture when kept under plastic sheets.

Cracks and dents in your deck or fuel tank can also expose parts of your mower to moisture. Lastly, storing fuel for a long time without a fuel stabiliser can also introduce water to it.

Which Part of the Lawn Mower Can Get Wet?

Almost all parts of the lawn mower can get wet depending on the situation, but the most sensitive areas are:

  • The spark plug;
  • The air filter; and
  • The carburettor and fuel tank.

Other parts like its wheels, deck and push handle can also get wet but won’t cause any serious problems aside from causing a bit of rust if continually exposed. The extent can depend on the severity of the weather conditions too.

Will Moisture Damage My Lawn Mower?

Lawn mowers can be expensive, so naturally, any damage can cause you to worry. Lawn mowers are tough machines that are designed to withstand tough uses and can last a long time. Just because its wet, doesn’t mean it’s going to be damaged.

Here’s what you need to do if your lawn mower gets wet:

If it got wet because of the rain, all you need to do is to start your lawn mower and let it run for a few minutes. This way, it can dry on its own because the engine is producing heat. This can also prevent it from rusting. You can also leave it in the sun to dry for a few hours, then run it for several minutes.

If needed, you can use a rag to dry off the exterior and store it somewhere safe and protected from elements.

What If Your Lawn Mower Doesn’t Start After Getting Wet?

If you’ve done all the steps above and it still doesn’t start, you may need to do some inspection. This can happen when the mower has been left outside during heavy rains.

Step 1: The Spark Plug

Moisture can prevent the spark from going off, so you may need to check the spark plug and clean it from any moisture or condensation.

Clean and dry the spark plug thoroughly and use a little sandpaper to get rid of any residue if necessary. Make sure the gap between the spark plug and electrode is appropriate then air dry.

When ready, place it back in and see if it starts. If it starts, you’re good to go but if it doesn’t, move on to step number two.

Step 2: The Air Filter

Remove the air filter. Always check the condition of the air filter. Depending on how wet the lawn mower is, you may need to dry it out completely or change it to a new one. You can try starting the lawn mower again and if it doesn’t work, you will need to proceed to the next step.

Step 3: The Fuel Tank and Carburettor

Get a clean container to drain the gas and check if there is any water. You will see tiny bubbles forming if there was gas in the water. Its the same how cooking oil stays in small bubbles when it has water in it. As we all know, water is heavier than gas so it stays at the bottom.

The worst-case scenario is when you find any water, this means you will have to take almost every part of the lawn mower from the top cover, fuel tank, air filter to the carburettor.

You have to clean and leave the mower and the parts to air out and dry. Refill the fuel tank with a new and fresh gas but make sure the gas you are using has not been contaminated with water. When ready, you can go on and give it another try. It should be working now.

Signs That There’s Water In Your Gas Lawn Mower

1. Motor Not Starting – Water may sink at the bottom of the fuel tank. Water is not fuel nor combustible, so the lawn mower won’t be starting at all.

2. Lack of Power and Acceleration – If your lawn mower does not perform as usual, you may be dealing with accumulated water in the fuel tank or carburettor.

3. Sudden Stops – Another sign that there is water is when it dies out or shuts down out of nowhere. Make sure to check as soon as you can.

Can a Lawn Mower Be Waterproof?

Lawn mowers are very sensitive so making them waterproof might seem impossible. A protective plastic cover can prevent water from getting into the sensitive parts, but this can’t provide complete protection.

Waterproof and water-resistant are two very different terms. Water-resistant devices can be damaged by water too if there’s enough exposure.

You can still cut wet grass but it should be avoided because of the following reasons:

  • They’re harder to cut;
  • Places more strain on the motor;
  • The cuts are not clean;
  • Has a higher risk of creating ruts in the soil;
  • Can dull the blades





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