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6 Reasons Why Now Is the Time to Invest in a Quality Brushcutter

Maintaining a well-manicured yard is crucial for the curbside appeal of any Australian homeowner. Having the right tools on hand plays a huge role in keeping on top of your yard work, making it easier and more efficient to achieve the desired results, and giving you more time to enjoy the sanctuary you've created. One of the essential tools for easier yard maintenance is a brushcutter, and once you've got one of these in your tool shed, you'll wonder how you ever did without it. If you're still not convinced you'd get enough use from one, here are six reasons why you should consider investing in one today.

Quality Results

A brushcutter is an excellent tool for cutting through even the most resistant and thick foliage with ease. They are typically stronger and more efficient than lawnmowers and can reach tight spots and corners that traditional mowers cannot, making them the perfect instrument for trimming your lawn. Many models come with a range of features, including enhanced power and a variety of cutting blade options that can tailor to any need or preference. With the right brushcutter, you can be sure of getting great results every time you use it, no matter how dense the vegetation may be.

Cost-Effective Alternative

A quality brushcutter represents a sensible alternative to hiring a professional for yard maintenance, and the cost savings are worth taking into account. Even though the initial investment may seem steep, over time, it pays off through regular usage. In addition to keeping your yard tidy, it offers a sense of satisfaction in being able to take care of it yourself.

Saves Time

Regular mowing can be a time-consuming job, especially in summer when the grass grows quicker. A brushcutter is an efficient tool for caring for tougher vegetation such as thick weeds and brambles, allowing you to get the job done more quickly. This makes it perfect for those with busy lives who still want their lawn in tip-top shape without the expense of hiring yard care professionals.

Easy to Use

When it comes to brushcutters, quality models are designed with the user's comfort in mind, ensuring they are not only effective tools but also simple to operate. Their easy-to-navigate controls make them ideal for beginners and experts alike, and with just a little practice, you will become a master in no time. Say goodbye to unreliable cutting tools and hello to a brushcutter that you can count on.

Perfect for Australian Landscapes

When it comes to maintaining a beautiful garden in Australia, dense brush can present a significant challenge. But don't worry - with a powerful brushcutter, tackling even the toughest grass and weeds becomes a breeze! Investing in a quality tool ensures that you will be able to bring your yard to an impressive and pristine state with ease. Say goodbye to days spent fighting with your lawn, and hello to a beautiful and well-groomed outdoor space for you and your loved ones to enjoy!


When it comes to cutting through thick grass and shrubbery, having the right tool for the job is essential. A quality brushcutter can help you take your garden to the next level with ease. With a little practice, you'll be able to master this powerful tool in no time, so say goodbye to unreliable cutting tools and hello to an effortless outdoor maintenance experience! Investing in the right brushcutter can be the key to having a beautiful lawn for years to come. So why wait? Get your yard looking its best today with a quality brushcutter.

Tips for Maintaining Your Battery-Powered Lawn Tools

Keeping up with your lawn care is a lot of work. From mowing and weeding to edging and trimming, it can take hours to maintain a beautiful outdoor space. Thankfully, there are many battery-powered tools available that can make the job a lot easier. But how do you keep those tools running in tip-top shape? Read on for some of our tips for maintaining your lawn tools so they stay in tip-top condition and give you years of trusty service.

Charge The Batteries Regularly

The most important step in keeping your battery-powered lawn tools in good condition is to charge them regularly. Most batteries are designed to last at least a few years if they’re properly maintained and recharged when needed. To extend the life of your battery, be sure to charge it every few weeks, even if you haven't used it recently. This will ensure the battery stays at its peak performance level and will be ready whenever you need it.

Keep Your Batteries Clean

A further key step in the upkeep of your battery-powered lawn tools is to keep the batteries clean. Dirt and dust can build up on the terminals of the batteries and cause them to corrode or short-circuit over time. Wipe down the terminals every time you use your tool with a damp cloth or paper towel, being careful not to get any liquid inside the housing of the battery itself. This will help keep them clean and free from corrosion or other damage caused by dirt buildup.    

Store Your Batteries Safely

It’s also important to store your batteries safely when they’re not in use. Batteries should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and any heat sources like radiators or hot water pipes. It’s also best practice to store them at room temperature (15–20°C) where possible, as this helps prolong their life by reducing wear and tear on the internal components of the battery cell itself. 

Service The Tool and Replace Parts as Necessary 

If something isn’t working quite right with one of your tools (especially if it’s not responding to a full charge), it might be time for a service or to replace some parts. This can mean anything from blades on a mower or trimmer head on an edger; whatever it may be, check manufacturer instructions for replacement guidelines and then contact us for a service or to purchase replacement parts accordingly. It’s also a good idea to have spare parts on hand if something goes wrong mid-mow or trim job; having extras means less downtime on the job.

Clean Your Tools Regularly 

You should clean all of your tools regularly—not just those powered by batteries. Cleaning blades on mowers, edgers and trimmers will help maintain their sharpness and prevent rust buildup over time. A simple wipe-down will do the trick here; make sure that all dirt or debris is removed before putting any tool away for storage.   Following the above steps will help keep your battery-powered lawn tools running smoothly for years to come! Make sure you charge your batteries regularly, clean them often, and store them safely when not in use - doing these simple things will ensure your equipment is ready to go when you need it most! Taking care of your equipment now will save time (and money!) down the line, and of course, for any advice on battery-powered yard equipment, give us a call; we're always happy to help!

How to Safely Use a Brushcutter: A Comprehensive Guide

Brushcutters, also known as weed whackers or line trimmers, are versatile tools that are commonly used to cut grass and weeds in areas that are difficult to reach with a lawn mower. They can be powered by a variety of sources, including fuel, electricity, or battery, and use a spinning line or blade to cut through vegetation. While brushcutters can be very effective at maintaining a tidy landscape, they can also pose safety risks if not used properly. In this guide, we will cover the basic safety precautions to take when using one as well as provide tips for effective and efficient operation.

Choosing the Right Brushcutter

Before using a brushcutter, it's important to select a model that is suitable for the job at hand. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a brushcutter for your yard needs:
  1. Power source: Brushcutters are available with different power sources, including petrol, electricity, and battery. Consider the size and type of the area you will be trimming, as well as your personal preferences, when selecting a power source.
  2. Cutting mechanism: Brushcutters can use either a spinning line or blade to cut through vegetation. Blades are typically more effective at cutting thicker or tougher growth, while lines are better suited for lighter grass and weeds.
  3. Weight and size: Brushcutters can vary significantly in weight and size, and it's important to choose a model that is comfortable and easy to handle. If you are going to be using the trimmer for extended periods of time, look for a model with ergonomic features such as a padded handle or adjustable length.
  4. Features: Modern brushcutters often come with a range of features, such as adjustable cutting heights, automatic line feed, and adjustable handle positions. Consider which features will be most beneficial for your needs.

Safety Precautions for Using a Brushcutter

  1. Wear protective gear: When using a brushcutter, it's important to wear protective gear to reduce the risk of injury. This should include safety glasses or goggles to protect your eyes, earplugs or earmuffs to protect your hearing, and sturdy shoes to protect your feet.
  2. Follow the manufacturer's instructions: Before using a brushcutter, be sure to read and follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully. This will help to ensure that you are using the tool correctly and safely.
  3. Maintain the brushcutter: Regular maintenance is important to ensure that your tool is in good working order. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for cleaning and lubricating the trimmer, and replace worn or damaged parts as needed.
  4. Use caution around power lines: Yes, this is really just common sense. But it's essential to understand if the trimmer comes into contact with a power line, it could cause serious injury or even death.
  5. Be aware of your surroundings: When using a brushcutter, be aware of your surroundings and avoid trimming near obstacles or objects that could be damaged by the trimmer. This includes things like fences, walls, and landscaping features.

Operating a Brushcutter

  1. Start the tool correctly: Follow the manufacturer's instructions for starting the brushcutter. If it has a fuel shut-off valve, be sure to turn it on before starting the engine.
  2. Hold the brushcutter properly: it's crucial to hold it properly to maintain control and avoid accidents. Wrap your fingers around the throttle trigger, keeping it pressed lightly against your palm, and place your other hand on the loop handle for additional support. Move the trimmer in an even motion: Begin trimming at one end of the area, and move steadily across in a sweeping motion.
  3. Be sure to maintain an even speed:  This will ensure that the trimmer works efficiently and evenly, cutting the grass.
  4. Clear debris regularly: As you are trimming, be sure to stop and clear away any debris that has accumulated on the line or blade. This will help to prevent blockages and keep your tool working at its best.
  5. Stop the engine: When you are finished trimming, be sure to turn off the trimmer and allow it to cool down before storing it away. Never leave a running brushcutter unattended.
 By following these tips, you can keep your brushcutter in good working order and use it safely for years to come. With the right tool and proper maintenance, you can easily and quickly maintain your lawns and gardens. To discuss the best brushcutter for your needs, get in touch with one of our professional staff, who'd be happy to show you our range of models. We're ready to help make your yard work hassle free!

The Difference Between a Brushcutter and a Whipper Snipper: Which One Do You Need?

Any serious gardener or landscaper knows the importance of having a good brushcutter on hand. But what exactly is a brushcutter, and how does it differ from a whipper snipper? Check out our latest blog post to find out more.

The Difference Between a Brushcutter and a Whipper Snipper: Which One Do You Need?

When it comes to garden tools, there are two types that are often confused: brushcutters and whipper snippers. So, what's the difference? And which one do you need for your garden? In this blog post, we will explain the differences between brushcutters and whipper snippers, as well as provide some tips on which one might be best for your needs.

What is a brushcutter?

A brushcutter is a tool used to trim overgrown grass, weeds, and small bushes. It typically has a long handle and a cutting blade at the end, which can be either circular or reciprocating. Some brushcutters also have a second blade attached perpendicular to the first, which can be used for chopping larger plants and shrubs. To use a brushcutter, the operator simply needs to hold the handle and walk forward, using the blade to cut through vegetation.For best results, it's important to use a sharp blade and make sure that the cutting area is clear of rocks or other debris. With proper care and maintenance, a brushcutter can be an invaluable tool for anyone who wants to keep their lawn or garden looking neat and tidy.

What is a whipper snipper?

A whipper snipper (also called a line trimmer) is similar to a brushcutter, but it uses a nylon line instead of a blade to cut through vegetation. The line is attached to a spool that sits atop the handle, and as the operator walks forward, the line spins and cuts through the grass. Whipper snippers are typically lighter and more maneuverable than brushcutters, making them a good choice for smaller gardens or areas with lots of obstacles.However, they are not as effective at cutting through thicker vegetation or trimming larger plants.

So, which one should you choose?

The type of garden tool you need will depend on the size and type of vegetation you need to trim. If you have a large lawn with lots of weeds and overgrown grass, then a brushcutter is the better choice. However, if you have a smaller garden or yard with delicate plants, then a whipper snipper might be enough.So, which do we recommend? Probably a brushcutter... and why? Because it's always easier to tackle a smaller job with a tool that will be able to handle even the biggest job you might want to throw at it sometime.If you're thinking of adding a brushcutter to your collection of yard tools and want some further advice, pop in and see us at The Mower Shop or call on 1800 558 480 and we'd be happy to help!

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