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How To Rejuvenate Your Lawn

How To Rejuvenate Your Lawn

How To Rejuvenate Your Lawn? A great looking lawn will surely improve any garden. There is no doubt that it also requires more attention after a dry summer. Winter can also slow down the rate at which your lawn grows so while we are all at home over the next few weeks and months, now is the best time to bring back some life into our lawns.


The first step in rejuvenating your lawn is to trim down the edges. Just give it a quick mow on a medium height setting and remove any grass runner that’s been growing over your paths and driveways. And although we all hate doing it, we have to start weeding. Winter weeds become a bigger problem every time we leave it to spread so it’s important to get rid of them as soon as you can.

Once your lawn is in shape, the next thing to do is improve the health of your soil. The soil is where the root system of the lawn spreads and absorbs all the goodness you put into it, feeding it with nutrients and water is what they need. Aerating your soil will allow the fertiliser, water and top-dress you feed reach the roots. You can use a cultivator, garden fork, spiked roller or aerator to penetrate your lawn to open up dense soil.


This is one of the most important steps in rejuvenating your lawn. Thatch is the layer of organic matter made of grass clippings, root and plant matter. This can build up on top of the root system and on the bottom of the grass blades. If you allow this, it can be too thick that it can be detrimental to the health of your lawn. To avoid this, use a dethatcher to break up any thatch build up once every four months. You can also do it with a rake.


Once you’re done with the first and second step, your lawn is now ready for a feed. There are a lot of fertilisers available, ranging from slow-release to organic pellets and enriched top-dress soil. We recommend using a fertiliser spreader so that the food can be distributed evenly. Too much of the fertiliser can burn the grass and too little can limit the nutrients they need. Always read the label so you know the recommended rate.

The final step is to top-dress the lawn. This usually involves an 80:20 sand/soil mix that you spread all over the lawn. It can act as drainage and reduce the risk of waterlogging. This will also help level any areas that may have sunk over the last few months.


Be mindful of how your lawn will feel during winter. It can slow the growth and can make it dull and bare. During this time of the year, you only need to do mowing once every four or five weeks. The sun is also lower in the sky so it can create more shadowed and dark areas. This can leave the soil damp and may not have enough sunlight to dry so don’t bother to water too much. Make sure you remove leaf litter on your lawn too.

Here’s how you rejuvenate your lawn.

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