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Tips to make sure your lawn mower lasts for years to come

A well-maintained lawnmower will last for years to come. It’s possible to extend the life of your lawnmower if you take good care of it and follow a few simple tips. Here are our recommendations for keeping your mower in tip-top shape.

Tips to make sure your lawn mower lasts for years to come

Maintaining your lawnmower is important if you want it to last for years to come. By taking good care of it and following a few simple tips, you can extend the life of your lawnmower and make sure it continues to run smoothly. Here are our recommendations for keeping your mower in tip-top shape:

Read the manual.

This may seem like an obvious one, but it’s important to understand how your particular mower works and what kind of maintenance it requires. You’d be surprised at how many people don’t take the time to thoroughly read and follow the instructions for the model mower they’ve just purchased. Ignoring these instructions could lead to damage and decreased performance as well as potentially costly repairs down the track.

Clean it after each use.

This is especially important if you’re using your mower on wet grass. It’s a good idea to give the entire machine a good clean after every use, both inside and out. This will help keep it in good condition and prevent any build-up of dirt or grass that could cause damage.

Sharpen the blades regularly.

If the blades aren’t sharp, they won’t cut the grass evenly, which can lead to an uneven appearance and potential difficulty in pushing the mower. Dull blades can also cause your mower to work harder than it should, leading to poorer performance and the risk of damage. It’s a good idea to sharpen the blades at least once a year (or more, if you use your mower frequently).

Lubricate the moving parts.

A little bit of oil goes a long way in keeping your lawn mower running smoothly. Apply a light coat of oil to all of the moving parts and keep them well-lubricated.

Check the oil level.

If the oil level is too low, it can cause the engine to overheat. Checking and topping up the oil as necessary is a simple task that can help keep your mower running smoothly.

When not in use, store your mower in a dry place.

This is especially important during winter when moisture can cause serious damage to electric lawnmowers. Make sure your mower is properly stored in a dry place when not being used, and try to keep it out of direct sunlight to avoid overheating.

Have it serviced regularly.

It’s a good idea to bring your mower in for a service at least once a year, or more frequently if it gets more use than average. This will help keep it in good condition and can prevent any major problems from developing.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your lawnmower lasts for years to come. Not only will this save you money in the long run, but it’ll also save you the hassle of having to regularly replace a machine that’s seen better days. So take care of your lawnmower, and it’ll take care of your lawn! For advice on purchasing a new mower or keeping your current model in its best running condition, we’re on hand to help. Just give one of our friendly and professional team a call on 1800 558 400 and we’d be happy to assist.

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