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How To Manage Your Garden During Winter

winter gardening

It’s finally Winter! Here are some of the winter gardening tips.

It may feel colder out there but this is actually a perfect time to garden! Working outdoors is less tiring and physically demanding during the cooler weather. Your soils are moist and there’s so much you can do to prepare your garden for Spring. Here are a few gardening tips this season:


This is the best time to clean up any Autumn leaves lying around. They can be quiet hazardous and can cause damage to your lawn and plants. But don’t clean everything as soon as it falls, they can also be a nutrient-rich mulch. Focus on the areas that are directly under deciduous trees and if those that cover the plants.

Dispose of your leaf litter using a blower vac. After collecting and mulching the leaves, they can be added back as a light layer for your garden beds.


Be mindful of the frost when adding new plants to your garden. If you have plans to introduce new plants to your garden in the spring or autumn, this next few months will be the best time to know your garden and learn which areas are prone to frost.

Frost may suck the moisture from your plants and can result in yellow or dead leaves. If you see this happening just remove the dead leaves to preserve your plant’s energy.

The best way to prepare is to plant frost-tender plants in protected areas and keep the tolerant plants in the open. Try selecting plans that are more tolerant of damp soil in areas that are more prone to getting waterlogged.


For those planting vegetables, winter is the perfect time to grow cool-climate vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower. It’s also great to plant a range of garden herbs along with the legumes like beans and peas. Stay away from planting warm-season plants like corn, cucumber, zucchini and basil.

planting to optimise your condition is great in ensuring that your garden can survive the cold weather. Position your plans where they are best suited. Try growing sun-loving plants in the north-facing aspect. Doing so will allow them to take advantage of the sun.


The best time to prepare your garden for winter is late summer and autumn. While lawn growth is slower during winter, it will still require some attention and you will still need to do some tidying. If you need to mow, keep the height high so you don’t cut too low. Longer grass can protect both the soil and roots from frost. Don’t forget to watch out for broad-leaved weeds because the longer they’re ignored, the bigger the problem they can be. don’t forget to watch out for broad-leaved weeds because the longer they’re ignored, the bigger the problem they can be.


Winter gardening is the best time for pruning, it should be done at the start of the season to achieve the best results. This will reduce any risk of disease, better the air circulation and expose the full plant to sun breaks, By removing existing buds from rose bushes, you preserving its energy and start preparing for new growth.

It’s also the best time to shape and prune deciduous trees. Once they’ve lost their leaves, you can have a better view of what you need to cut. It can reduce the damage in your property during the rainy season.


Some may neglect their winter gardening routines but this means you are also neglecting your tools. This is actually the best time to service, sharpen or clean your tools after frequent use during Spring and Summer.

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