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7 Practical Tips for Creating a Sustainable Outdoor Garden Area on a Budget

Creating a sustainable and enjoyable garden area in your home should not be a pricey affair. In fact, with a bit of planning and creativity, you can create an ecologically friendly garden on a tight budget. Whether you’ve got a large or small yard, these seven tips will be able to help you create a stunning outdoor garden area without breaking the bank. 

1. Plan your garden layout 

The first step to creating an eco-friendly garden on a budget is to plan your garden layout carefully. A well-planned garden layout can help ensure you use your space wisely, minimise waste, and maximise yield. Begin by considering the available space, your climate, and the garden’s style. This will help you figure out what plants to grow and how much space they will require. 

2. Ditch the chemicals 

Chemical fertilisers and pesticides can be expensive and can harm the earth’s delicate ecosystems. Instead, go for natural fertilisers, compost, and eco-friendly pest controls. Organic homemade compost is a great alternative and can be made from kitchen scraps and garden waste. Composting systems can be created using leftover materials like old boxes and pallets. 

3. Plant native plants 

Native plants are a cost-effective way to improve the soil and encourage thriving ecosystems. Using plants that are native to your area is perfect for the wildlife, as they require less intervention, saving you time, money, and effort. 

4. Consider water preservation 

The most eco-friendly gardens are those that require little water. Plants that are native to your area are generally well suited to your region’s weather patterns and need less water than non-native plants. You can also use mulch, a layer of material like wood chips, straw, or leaves, to retain moisture in the soil. Using a rain tank to capture rainwater, it saves water that can be used for watering plants.

5. Use renewable resources 

When building garden beds or planters, use renewable resources like bamboo, which are plentiful and biodegradable, instead of plastic if possible. Consider creative ways to reuse and recycle, such as bringing in old pallets to create raised garden beds. Getting creative with garden paths can also give your garden an eco-friendly flair. Use any materials you have available, such as woodchips or moss, to create a unique aesthetic while not eating into your budget. 

6. Plant strategically 

Designing your garden to optimise sunlight and shade benefits both your plants and your pocket. You can achieve optimal plant growth, without having to invest in expensive shade cloths or additional watering, while lowering your energy bills with a sustainable approach to gardening.

7. Keep it low maintenance 

Opt for low-maintenance plants that require little upkeep, or a drought-tolerant garden, to save time, money, and resources! Consider which plants suit your climate, soil, and exposure, and keep an eye out for climate-appropriate options. Keeping garden beds near the house offers convenience while maintaining a polished aesthetic. 


With these top tips for creating a sustainable outdoor garden area on a budget, there are plenty of ways to make your perfect garden without overspending. From planting native plants to making sure you’re using renewable resources, these eco-friendly tips will take care of the environment and your wallet at the same time. And when you need the right powered yard tools for getting your garden ready, you can trust Mower Place to have everything you’ll require.

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