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Lawn Care 101: How to Identify and Eliminate Common Lawn Pests

As homeowners, having a beautiful lawn is the ultimate goal. But the presence of pests can ruin all the hard work and dedication you’ve put in. Summer will be here before we know it and so it’s important to be proactive in identifying and eliminating common lawn pests before they can inflict serious damage to your lawn. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most prevalent pests that can ruin your lawn and provide actionable tips to keep them at bay.


Armyworms are some of the most destructive pests in the lawn care world. These small creatures can multiply quickly and gnaw away at large patches of your lawn in just a few days. Armyworms are often seen during the warm months when they hatch and feed on the grass. Their larvae feed underneath the soil surface, leading to dying patches of grass. To prevent armyworm damage, assess your lawn regularly and keep the grass length above 5 cm so they have less access to the soil.


Grubs are common in Australia, with many homeowners not even realising that they have an infestation until the damage is done. These pests are the larvae of several types of beetle. They love to feed on the grass roots, causing brown patches to appear on your lawn. You can tell if you have a grub infestation by looking for signs such as birds scavenging your soil or feeling spongy grass underfoot. To prevent grub damage, keep your lawn healthy with proper watering and fertilisation, encouraging a healthy root system. If you notice grubs, it’s best to take immediate action by using chemical treatments.

Garden Weevils

Garden weevils are small insects with a snout-like nose often found feeding on the leaves of plants in your garden. They love to burrow into the soil and lay their eggs, which can hatch into larvae and cause damage to the roots of your grass or plants. You can identify the presence of weevils by noticing notched edges or holes in the leaves of plants. Keep the soil around your plants well-drained to prevent weevil damage, and do not over-fertilise. Applying an insecticide can also help control their population.

Mole Crickets

Mole crickets also love munching on the grassroots and leaves of the lawn. They especially thrive in warm, moist conditions. The adults have wings and brown bodies with a cricket-like appearance, whereas the larvae have spoon-shaped bodies and are white. They damage grass by burrowing their way through the soil, causing it to loosen and die. To prevent mole cricket damage, keep your lawn well-watered and mowed at a proper height. Pesticides are the most effective solution to control mole cricket populations.


Ants are not usually thought of as lawn pests, but if left unattended, they can cause significant damage to your turf. Ant mounds can smother out growing grass, and their movement can cause the soil to loosen, making it harder for your lawn to retain nutrients and water. To prevent ant damage, make sure you seal any openings around your home that may allow them to settle and fix any exterior leaks or drips. You can also use insecticides to control an infestation and prevent colonies from forming.


You can protect your lawn from irreversible damage by proactively identifying and eliminating common lawn pests. With the above tips, you can take control of your lawn’s health and prevent lawn pests from causing trouble. Of course, for all your yard care advice and the quality tools you’ll need to get the job done, we’re here and ready to help. Just call us or drop into one of our convenient locations for friendly tips!

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