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What Is Spring Lawn Care

What Is Spring Lawn Care

What Is Spring Lawn Care? A beautiful lawn can make so much difference on the look of your whole garden. A little spring lawn care routine can get your lawn back into shape. But what is spring lawn care? Simply cleaning the grass, feeding it with fertiliser, and dealing with all the bare patches like ugly weeds and moss can make such a huge impact on your overall garden look.

Here are a few of the secrets to what an effective spring lawn care looks like:

  1. Regular mowing can be important. The correct mowing height and cutter height should also be inspected. It should be 2.5cm – 4cm for general lawns, 5cm for trodden lawns and 7.5cm for shaded lawns.
  2. Feed your lawn with fertiliser during the spring and then once again in summer to regain its strength, health and vigour.
  3. Use a lawn weedkiller to treat moss and weeds quickly and effectively.
  4. Deal with some bare patches immediately to prevent moss and weeds from taking hold.
  5. Use a scarifier to help ease the build-up of thatch layers in your lawn. Including debris, moss and all the dead grass.
  6. Aeration will also help relieve compaction. This allows the air to circulate around the lawn root system. It can also help in lawn drainage issues.

Mowing in the spring


Still, the most important thing to do during spring lawn care is correct and regular mowing. You need to cut grass whenever it grows as the weather warms up. The goal is to keep it at the same height throughout the spring season. If you mow too short, it can weaken the grass and allow weeds and moss to spoil the lawn. Here are some of our most favourite mowers.

Spring lawn feeding

Next to prioritise is feeding the grass with the right lawn food at the right time. Good lawn fertiliser can not only make the grass greener but also makes it thicker as it grows. It can increase the strength and health so it can be better equipped with moss, weeds and any weather-related stress.

The best results can be achieved by using a granular feed that supplies a regular amount of nutrient over a few weeks.

In spring, you can use a lawn product like Miracle-Gro Evergreen Complete 4-in-1, to control the moss and weed growth. For those without moss and weed, just use a straight lawn food product like Miracle-Gro EverGreen fast Green.

It’s important to apply granular feed evenly over your entire lawn at the recommended rate. You can do this easily by using a lawn spreader. If you feed the lawn again in 6 weeks, it will remain strong and healthy.

Treating Weeds And Moss

Weeds and moss on your lawn are always a major headache. Compared to those who aren’t fed and looked after properly, strong and healthy lawn can deal with this far better.

If there are no moss but only weeds on your lawn, you can quickly treat this with a liquid lawn weedkiller. It won’t cause any damage but can control most broad-leaved weeds. But if you have moss only and no weeds, a lot of lawn moss killers are available. Most contains feed so it does more to your lawn. Just remember that moss turns black once they die so don’t do this if you’re expecting some guests.

If you have them both, the solution is simple. Just use a granular lawn product with feeding, moss and weed control ingredients.

Dealing With Bare Patches

After winter, your lawn may not look that great because of bare areas. These areas are usually where weeds and moss take hold. Treat your lawn with a lawn patch repair product once in a while. Some products in the market will have a combination of grass seed, slow-release feed and coir. This will help cover bare patches while producing a thick grass covering.

If your dog caused the bare area, repair the damage by blending salt-tolerant grass seeds and neutraliser to allow the grass to grow again. Products like Miracle-Gro Patch Magic Dog Spot Repair can work.

Spring Lawn Care – Overseeding

Every year, up to a quarter of your lawn can die, especially in the cold, wet winter. Overseeding or sowing new grass seed into your current lawn can rejuvenate your lawn back to life. It can also improve the appearance of your lawn and increase density to reduce weed and moss attack.


Be neighbourhood’s garden advice guru with these hints and tips:

  • Trim the edges of your lawn when you mow to keep crisp lines.
  • Cut lawn with a half-moon edging to ensure they’re well-shaped.
  • Remove dead grass, thatch and other debris by using a scarifier to prevent healthy grass growth.
  • Aerate your lawn in early spring using a garden fork or hollow -tined aerator. This will improve drainage and reduce waterlogging.
  • Add top dressing after aerating to improve drainage too.
  • Water your grass if it needs it. Water the roots thoroughly to avoid drought damage.


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