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Don’t Ignore your Lawn in Winter

Don't Ignore your Lawn in Winter 

Just because the weather is cooling and your grass isn't growing quickly doesn't mean you should neglect your lawn during the upcoming winter months. In fact, taking care of your lawn during the cooler weather will help ensure a healthy, green lawn come spring. Here are a few tips for keeping your lawn healthy this winter so you'll be able to enjoy it when the warmer months are back:

Keep leaves raked. 

Leaving piles of leaves on your lawn can kill the grass underneath and when the westerly winds hit, it's easy for the leaf debris to accumulate quickly. Rake any fallen leaves up regularly to keep your lawn looking its best. 

Fertilize as needed.

Even if your grass isn't actively growing, it still needs nutrients to thrive during the winter months. Fertilizing on a regular basis will help your lawn stay healthy and green.

Water as required.

Depending on where you live and how cold the temperatures get, you may need to water your lawn occasionally over the winter months to keep it from drying out or getting too icy with overnight frosts. This is especially important if you have particularly shallow soil in your yard.

Avoid walking on damp grass. 

When possible, avoid walking directly on areas of wet grass. Not only can this damage your lawn, but it can also increase the risk of slipping and falling during frosty weather conditions.

Aerate the soil. 

Aerating helps improve drainage and allows air and nutrients to reach the roots of your grass. This is especially important in areas that get a lot of foot traffic (like around the mailbox or along footpaths). 

Mow when needed.

Depending on how cold winter gets where you are and the type of grass you have for your lawn, you may need to mow regularly to keep it from getting unruly. If it doesn't need mowing though, don't because mowing less frequently during the winter months can reduce the risk of stressing your grass out too much.

Treat any pest problems.

A number of common bugs and pests love hanging out in grass during the cooler months, so be sure to treat any infestations right away to protect your yard (and your house) from the damage they can cause. In winter with shorter days and cooler temperatures, we tend to stay indoors more and not spend as much time out in the yard. But that's no excuse for ignoring lawn maintenance during the cooler months. Taking care of your lawn during winter can help ensure that it stays healthy and is green once spring rolls around, so consider it time and effort well invested. Winter is also the perfect time to put your mower in for a service to ensure it's kept in tip-top condition and of course if you have any lawn-related questions we've got a team of experts ready to help. Just call us on 1800 558 400 and we'd be happy to assist.

5 Tips for Eco-Friendly Lawn Care

5 Tips for Eco-Friendly Lawn Care

If you're looking for ways to go green, then look no further than your lawn! There are many simple things you can do to reduce the environmental impact of your lawn care routine. In this blog post, we will discuss five tips for eco-friendly lawn care. Keep reading to learn more!

(1) Choose the right plants

When it comes to creating an eco-friendly yard, choosing the right plants is essential. Whether you're trying to reduce water usage, attract wildlife, or minimize your use of pesticides and fertilizers, selecting the right types of plants for your garden is key. And there are many factors to consider when making this decision. For example, you might opt for native species that require less water and are well-adapted to your local climate. You may also choose types of plants that can grow well together, helping to minimize competition and ensure optimum plant health. Additionally, it's important to take into account any specific soil conditions in your yard and select plants that will thrive in these conditions. Ultimately, the goal when planting an eco-friendly garden should be to create a flourishing ecosystem that supports a wide range of plant and animal life, and choosing the right plants is one important step towards achieving this goal.

(2) Use organic fertilizers

In today's world, there's an increasing focus on environmental issues and a desire to become more eco-friendly and homeowners are making changes in their yards in order to reduce the impact on the Earth and to create healthier spaces for plants and animals. One important element of creating an eco-friendly yard is the use of organic fertilizers. Unlike conventional fertilizers, which can leach toxic chemicals into the soil, organic fertilizers are made from natural ingredients like plant byproducts and manure. These natural compounds deliver essential nutrients to plants while being fully biodegradable and safe for the environment. By choosing to use organic fertilizers, you can help nourish your yard while also promoting a healthy ecosystem that benefits both humans and wildlife.

(3) Water efficiently

Any eco-friendly yard plan needs to incorporate efficient watering. Over-watering not only wastes water but can also lead to unhealthy plants and an increased risk of disease. On the other hand, under-watering can stress plants and make them more susceptible to damage from pests and extreme weather. The key is to water deeply and only as often as necessary. This means letting the soil dry out somewhat between waterings, which encourages roots to grow deeper in search of moisture. Deeply rooted plants are more drought tolerant and require less water overall. In addition, they are less likely to be uprooted by strong winds or heavy rains. By watering wisely, you can create a healthy yard that uses less water and is better able to withstand the challenges of a changing climate.

(4) Mulch your lawn

Mulching your lawn is one of the most important things you can do to create an eco-friendly, sustainable yard. Mulch can help to protect soil from erosion and runoff, while also preserving moisture and providing nourishment for your grass and plants. Additionally, a thick layer of mulch helps to protect the soil from harsh sunlight, preventing overheating and reducing evaporation. By mulching your lawn regularly, you can not only improve the overall health of your yard but also help to preserve valuable natural resources and reduce your impact on the environment.

(5) Recycle grass clippings and leaves

Building and maintaining a healthy and eco-friendly lawn means paying proper care and attention to your plants and garden and one way you can create an environmentally-friendly yard is to recycle grass clippings and leaves back into the soil. By adding these nutrients to the soil, you can help keep your lawn green and healthy while also reducing overall waste. Additionally, using clippings or leaves as mulch can help to protect plant roots from extreme temperatures and excess moisture, thereby preventing root rot or drought conditions. When it comes to recycling grass clippings and leaves, this synergy between nurture and nature helps to develop an eco-friendly garden that will thrive for years to come.Maintaining a healthy and eco-friendly lawn doesn't have to be difficult. With a little bit of effort, you can make simple changes that will help to reduce your environmental impact while also creating a more sustainable yard. At The Mower Place, yards and lawn care are our specialties, so call us on 1800 558 400 and one of our team of friendly and professional experts can help with your queries and the equipment you need for a great eco-friendly lawn.

Top Yard and Garden Tips To Get Your House Ready for Sale

When it comes to getting your home ready for sale, first impressions are everything. That's why it's important to make sure your yard and garden are well-maintained and looking their best. Check out our latest blog post to get the top pre-sale yard tips!

Top Yard and Garden Tips To Get Your House Ready for Sale

Are you getting ready to sell your house? If so, you'll want to make sure that the yard and garden are in top condition. By following a few simple tips, you can make your house more attractive to potential buyers and get a better price in what's already a booming Australian property market. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best ways to take care of your yard and garden before putting your house on the market.

Clean around your home with a high-pressure water washer

When you're getting your house ready for sale, it's important to make sure that the exterior is looking its best. One way to do this is to clean your home with a high-pressure water washer. This can help remove dirt, grime, and stains from sidewalks, driveways, and siding. To get the most out of your pressure washer, be sure to use the correct tips and techniques.For example, start with a low-pressure setting when washing delicate surfaces like windows. When cleaning concrete or brick, use a wider spray pattern and move the wand back and forth in a steady motion. For stubborn stains, pre-treat the area with a cleaner specifically designed for use with pressure washers. Following these tips will help you get a house wash that looks great and lasts long.

Mow your lawn on a regular basis

Another important aspect of yard care is maintaining a well-manicured lawn. This can be achieved by mowing on a regular basis and keeping the grass trimmed. Be sure to use a sharp blade when mowing to avoid damaging the grass. In addition, it's important to mow when the grass is dry to prevent clumping. When trimming your lawn, use a trimmer or edger to create a clean, well-defined edge along sidewalks and driveways.

Get rid of yard clutter

One of the biggest problems in yards can be clutter. When you're not using an area of your yard, it's often tempting to just toss things there and forget about them. But all that junk is only going to make your yard look bad when potential buyers come to take a look.So before going to market get busy by clearing out any debris, old garden equipment and unused furniture. If you have a shed or garage, make sure that these are also free of clutter. Once you've gotten rid of the junk, give everything a good cleaning. This will help your yard look its best and make it more appealing to buyers.

Plant flowers or other plants near windows, doors, and walkways to add colour and life to your house's exterior

Curb appeal is one of the most important factors in attracting potential buyers, so it's important to make sure your yard and garden are in tip-top shape. One way to add a touch of colour and life to your home's exterior is to plant flowers or other attractive plants near windows, doors, and walkways. If you have a porch or patio, consider adding some pot plants to liven up the space.Not only will this make your home more inviting, but it will also help you stand out from the competition. With a little bit of effort, you can make your house more appealing and increase its chances of selling quickly.When you're getting your house ready to put on the market, first impressions are key. That means making sure your yard is neat and tidy - no easy feat if you've let things go a little bit (or a lot) over the years. But don't despair - with a little elbow grease, some strategic thinking and the right tools from The Mower Place you can get your yard looking great and sale-ready in no time. 

The Difference Between a Brushcutter and a Whipper Snipper: Which One Do You Need?

Any serious gardener or landscaper knows the importance of having a good brushcutter on hand. But what exactly is a brushcutter, and how does it differ from a whipper snipper? Check out our latest blog post to find out more.

The Difference Between a Brushcutter and a Whipper Snipper: Which One Do You Need?

When it comes to garden tools, there are two types that are often confused: brushcutters and whipper snippers. So, what's the difference? And which one do you need for your garden? In this blog post, we will explain the differences between brushcutters and whipper snippers, as well as provide some tips on which one might be best for your needs.

What is a brushcutter?

A brushcutter is a tool used to trim overgrown grass, weeds, and small bushes. It typically has a long handle and a cutting blade at the end, which can be either circular or reciprocating. Some brushcutters also have a second blade attached perpendicular to the first, which can be used for chopping larger plants and shrubs. To use a brushcutter, the operator simply needs to hold the handle and walk forward, using the blade to cut through vegetation.For best results, it's important to use a sharp blade and make sure that the cutting area is clear of rocks or other debris. With proper care and maintenance, a brushcutter can be an invaluable tool for anyone who wants to keep their lawn or garden looking neat and tidy.

What is a whipper snipper?

A whipper snipper (also called a line trimmer) is similar to a brushcutter, but it uses a nylon line instead of a blade to cut through vegetation. The line is attached to a spool that sits atop the handle, and as the operator walks forward, the line spins and cuts through the grass. Whipper snippers are typically lighter and more maneuverable than brushcutters, making them a good choice for smaller gardens or areas with lots of obstacles.However, they are not as effective at cutting through thicker vegetation or trimming larger plants.

So, which one should you choose?

The type of garden tool you need will depend on the size and type of vegetation you need to trim. If you have a large lawn with lots of weeds and overgrown grass, then a brushcutter is the better choice. However, if you have a smaller garden or yard with delicate plants, then a whipper snipper might be enough.So, which do we recommend? Probably a brushcutter... and why? Because it's always easier to tackle a smaller job with a tool that will be able to handle even the biggest job you might want to throw at it sometime.If you're thinking of adding a brushcutter to your collection of yard tools and want some further advice, pop in and see us at The Mower Shop or call on 1800 558 480 and we'd be happy to help!

How to Pick the Right Grass for Your Region and Climate

When choosing grass for your lawn, there are several important factors to consider. First, you need to pick a type of grass that is well suited to your climate and region. Read our latest blog to learn more about selecting the right grass variety for your lawn.

How to Pick the Right Grass for Your Region and Climate

When you're choosing a type of grass to plant in your yard, it's important to pick the right one for your region and climate. Some varieties of grass are better suited for hot, dry climates, while others do well in cooler, wetter areas. Here's a look at some of the most popular types of grass and how they perform in different parts of the country.

What factors should you consider when picking grass for your region and climate?

When choosing grass for your region and climate, there are several important factors to consider. One is the level of rainfall in your area. If you live in an area with high rainfall, you will need grass that is tolerant of wet conditions. Another factor to consider is the amount of sunlight in your region. Some grasses need full sun to thrive, while others prefer partial shade.Additionally, temperature extremes can also affect the type of grass you choose. If you live in an extremely hot or cold climate, you will need to choose a grass variety that can withstand extreme temperatures. By taking all of these factors into account, you'll be able to best select the type of grass that will thrive in your particular area of Australia.

Which type of grass is best for a sunny, dry climate?

In a sunny, dry climate, it is important to choose a type of grass that can withstand long periods of drought. Bermuda grass is a good option for this type of climate, as it is tolerant of heat and can survive on very little water. Another option is Zoysia grass, which has a deep root system that helps it to resist drought conditions. Other suitable varieties can include St Augustine grass, Bahia grass, Buffalo grass and Kentucky Bluegrass.

What about a shady, wet climate?

In a shady and wet climate, the best type of grass is one that is able to tolerate both low light conditions and wet soil. Bentgrass and fescue are two types of grass that meet these criteria. Both varieties are hardy and have deep roots that help them to stay in place during heavy rainfalls. In addition, both varieties are able to withstand damage from fungi, which can be a common problem in damp climates.

How do you know if you have the right kind of soil to support grass growth?

There are a few key indicators that will tell if your soil is right for grass growth. The first is texture. Grassroots need space to grow, so the ideal soil is loose and crumbly. You can test your soil's texture by taking a small handful and squeezing it. If it easily forms a ball, it's too dense. If it crumbles readily, it's just right. The second indicator is moisture levels.Grass needs regular watering to stay healthy, so you'll want to make sure that your soil retains moisture well. To test this, simply dig a small hole in the ground and fill it with water. If the water drains away quickly, you'll need to work on adding organic matter to help retain moisture. If it takes several hours for the water to drain away, your soil is just right.If you're unsure about which type of grass is best for your region and climate, talk to a local garden expert or, even better, pop down to see us at The Mower Place and we can also help you with the right kind of mower to take care of your lawn too. We're happy to answer all your queries, so just give us a call on 1800 558 400!

Get your firewood cut before winter sets in!

It is best to create a firewood stockpile in Autumn when you can get busy and prepare for the cold weather. Cutting your own firewood with a chainsaw is one of the most efficient ways to do this. Read our latest blog post for tips on how to most effectively use your chainsaw to cut firewood.

Get your firewood cut before winter sets in!

The days are getting shorter and the temperature is dropping, which means one thing: winter is coming! If you want to be prepared for the cold weather, you need to have a stockpile of firewood organised and Autumn is a good time to get prepared. One of the most efficient ways to get firewood is by cutting it yourself with a chainsaw. In this blog post, we'll give you the rundown on using your chainsaw to cut firewood.

Chainsaw safety

Anyone who has ever operated a chainsaw knows that it can be extremely dangerous. The blades are razor-sharp, and the chain moves at lightning speed, making it all too easy to cause serious injury. That is why it is so important to follow basic safety guidelines when using a chainsaw. First and foremost, always wear proper safety gear, including gloves, eye protection, and hearing protection. In addition, keep a firm grip on the saw at all times, and be careful not to put your hands or feet in the path of the blade. If possible, work with someone else when using a chainsaw to ensure that someone is there in case of an accident. Finally, always shut off the saw and unplug it before cleaning or making any adjustments. By following these simple safety tips, you can help prevent accidents and injuries when using a chainsaw to gather your winter firewood.

Chainsaw maintenance

A chainsaw is a powerful tool that can make quick work of even the toughest tree. However, a chainsaw is only as effective as its operator. In order to keep your chainsaw in top condition, it is important to perform regular maintenance. This includes sharpening the chain, cleaning the guide bar, and oiling the saw. Additionally, it is important to inspect the saw before each use, looking for any signs of wear or damage. By taking proper care of your chainsaw, you can ensure that it will be ready when you need it.

Chainsaw cutting techniques

Chainsaw cutting is a learned skill that, when mastered, can make felling trees, trimming branches and gathering firewood much easier. The first thing to know is the proper grip. For most people, holding the chainsaw with both hands is the best way to get started. The next thing to learn is the right angle to cut at. When cutting through a trunk, it's important to keep the blade at a low angle so that you don't get stuck. Finally, it's important to use a sawing motion rather than a hacking one. This will help you avoid damaging the chain and kickback. With a little practice, anyone can learn how to cut like a pro with their chainsaw.

Chainsaw firewood cutting tips and tricks

Cutting firewood with a chainsaw can be a challenging task, but there are a few tips and tricks that can make the job easier. For example, it's important to choose the right saw for the job. A smaller saw will be easier to handle, but it may not have the power necessary to cut through larger pieces of wood. In addition, it's important to sharpen the chain regularly. A dull chain will not only make the job more difficult, but it can also be dangerous. Rushing through the process can lead to accidents, so it's important to work slowly and carefully and take your time. And when cutting firewood, it's recommended to always start with smaller logs and work your way up to larger ones. Then finally, when you're finished for the day, carefully clean and store your saw to prevent accidents.To learn more about chainsaws and to explore the models we recommend, pop in to visit one of The Mower Place stores or call us on 1800 558 400 for friendly and expert advice.

What to Plant in an Australian Autumn Vegetable Garden

what to plant in autumnEnjoying fresh, homegrown produce throughout the year is easy with a vegetable garden and you’ve probably already started planning your autumn crops if you’ve got an established veggie garden! Planting seasonal vegetables as the weather cools is a great idea because the soil remains quite warm and your plants will start growing right away.In this article, we'll discuss what you should be planting as we move into autumn so you can enjoy homegrown veggies soon!

What to Plant in an Australian Autumn Vegetable Garden

A vegetable garden is a great way to enjoy fresh, homegrown produce all year round. And if you've got a veggie garden, then it's likely you're already thinking about your autumn crop!Autumn is a great time to plant seasonal vegetables because the weather is cooling down, but the soil is still warm, which means your plants will get off to a good start.

What vegetables should you be planting in autumn?

While there are many veggies that can be planted in the autumn season, there are some that are especially well-suited for this time of year.Below is a list of some of the best vegetables to plant as we head into the cooler months:


Kale is a hardy vegetable that can be planted in autumn and will continue to produce vegetables throughout the winter. Kale is a good source of vitamins A, C, and K and is a delicious addition to salads or meals.


Like kale, spinach is a hardy vegetable that can be planted in autumn and will continue to produce vegetables throughout the winter. Spinach is also a good source of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as iron. It can be eaten raw or cooked, making it a versatile addition to your diet.

Brussels Sprouts:

Brussels sprouts are a cool-weather vegetable that can be planted in autumn and maintained throughout the winter for continuous production. Brussels sprouts are packed full of vitamins C and K, as well as folate.


Beetroot is a versatile vegetable that can be eaten cooked or raw. Beetroot can be planted in autumn and will continue to produce vegetables throughout the winter. Beetroot is a good source of fibre, antioxidants, and vitamins A, B, and C.


Broccoli is a popular vegetable that can be planted in autumn. Broccoli is a good source of fibre, vitamins C, A, and K, and potassium. Broccoli can be enjoyed cooked or raw and is a surprisingly great addition to salads.


Cauliflower can be planted in autumn and will continue to produce vegetables throughout the winter. Cauliflower is a good source of fibre, vitamins C and K, and potassium. Cauliflower can be enjoyed cooked or raw and is a family favourite when cooked with a cheese sauce!


Lettuce is traditionally a cooler season crop and can be planted in autumn. It will continue to produce vegetables throughout the winter and, depending on the type of lettuce seed or seedling you purchase may continue growing into the warmer months. Lettuce is a good source of fibre, vitamins A, C, K and is usually enjoyed raw in salads.


Carrots are a root vegetable that does well when planted in autumn. They should continue to produce vegetables throughout the winter months and, depending on where you are in Australia, maybe even later into the year.Now that you know some of the best vegetables to plant in your veggie garden during autumn, we'd like to wish you luck with your vegetable farming endeavours! Remember to be patient – it will take time for your plants to grow and produce their first harvest.If you're still at the stage of planning a vegetable garden, don't worry. You can contact our team of yard experts on 1800 558 400 at any time if you've got questions or need advice about what equipment would help you prepare a section of your lawn for a productive veggie patch.

Choosing the right lawn mower for your yardwork needs

choosing right mower

Choosing the right lawn mower for your yardwork needs

A well-kept lawn is one of the things Australian homeowners are most proud of. Even the most reluctant gardener can take pride in a beautifully manicured and well-kept lawn, and luckily, with the right mower for the job, it needn’t be that difficult.Lawn mowing is a weekly job in most Australian homes, and there are hundreds of different models of mowers available in Australia. Here are some tips to make your decision easier when it comes to choosing the best lawn mower for your yard.

The Main Things to Consider When Looking To Purchase A New Mower

Before making a final decision on a mower, there are several factors you should consider. The following are five of the most essential questions to ask before purchasing your next lawn mower.
  1. What is the size of your yard?
  2. Are there going to be any obstacles to mow around?
  3. Who'll be the main user of the mower?
  4. What type of terrain will you be using it for?
  5. Do you live rurally on acreage or in the city with a small block?
Understanding the importance of these factors:If you live on a block with a thick, fast-growing lawn, your best bet is to choose a petrol engine mower with a large cutting deck and enough power to tackle the most difficult grass and leaves.For a smaller space in the suburbs, a battery-powered lawn mower may be more convenient. Battery-powered lawn mowers are quieter, produce no direct emissions toward the user, and are easy to start while requiring minimal maintenance.A self-propelled mower is also an option for people with restricted mobility or strength.

Here are just some of the types of lawn mowers available.

Now that you have a better sense of what might influence your choice of a mower, it's time to look at five of the most common types.

1. Manual Push Cylinder Mowers

These are the predecessors to all current-day lawnmowers, and they are still sometimes used by individuals with extremely small yards and very little lawn to maintain. The push reel mower is driven by muscle power; pushing the mower turns the wheels, which powers the blades. As a very basic mower, you won't find any bells and whistles here, and they can only function with your hard work. For very small, level lawns or courtyards, this might be an appropriate choice.

2. Self-Propelled Lawn Mowers

Self-propelled mowers are a great choice for anyone who has a medium-sized yard and wants to get the task done without too much fuss. You can choose from either petrol or electric engines, and you don't need much effort to push them along, as they move with ease across your lawn. Best of all, they are easy to start and maintain.

3. Battery Powered Lawn Mowers

A battery-powered lawn mower will set the bar in terms of simplicity, freedom, and agility, thanks to its power and performance as well as the convenience of lithium-ion battery technology. Battery-powered lawn mowers are extremely quiet and very light in weight. There are no direct emissions or exhaust fumes released by the engine for the operator to be affected by and they generally boast great running time.A battery-powered lawn mower is ideal for homeowners with tiny to medium suburban yards.

4. Petrol Rotary Blade Lawn Mowers

Lawn mowers that run on petrol are commonplace in Australian garden sheds, and they provide a powerful, cable-free method to ensure good lawn care. Most modern models are easy to start, include anti-vibration technology, are powerful, and are remarkably fuel-efficient.Petrol lawn mowers provide perfect grass cutting on even the toughest types of grass, so if you have a large property to tackle, or don’t want to worry about charging batteries, then a petrol mower will be a great choice.

5. Ride-On Lawn Mowers

A ride-on lawn mower will tackle any task you throw at it, and is a perfect choice for people who have large lawns to maintain. If you live on acreage, then buying a ride-on is highly suggested for the savings it gives in both time and physical energy.There are many ride-on mowers available on the market to suit a range of semi-rural and rural uses and so it's worth taking the time to speak to an expert who'll help you decide which would be best for your needs.Choosing the right lawn mower for your yardwork needs is vital if you want to get your lawn looking fantastic more quickly and with less frustration. At The Mowerplace, we stock a huge range of lawn mowers and yard accessories and our professional team members are always on hand to discuss the best mower for your situation.Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn

8 Top Tips For Trimming Trees Safely

Tips Trimming Trees

8 Top Tips For Trimming Trees Safely

When trimming trees, there are a few things to take into account. The first is the fact that you'll need to take care not to damage other parts of the tree, including the trunk, branches, and roots. Tree trimming should only be undertaken with the right equipment and while always taking great care to follow safety measures.

Always use the right tool for the job.

Using a chainsaw to cut off the end of a small branch is dangerous, and it does no good. Always use the tool that's appropriate for the job at hand. Anvil loppers can be used on branches up to 1-1/2 inches in diameter, hand pruners handle spindly smaller branches, and pole saws are best for larger branches. Heavier duty chainsaws should be used only on the trunk.

Be especially careful when trimming trees near power lines.

Before you begin trimming any tree, always look up to see where the power lines are. Make sure you have plenty of space to work in and don't attempt to cut anything within 3 metres of power or telephone lines.

Never cut with a dull blade.

A sharp tool is far safer than a dull one, and it does the job faster too. A good and safe practise is to cut with the grain of the wood whenever possible; cutting against the grain can cause problems with both tree limbs and your tools.

Never trim a tree in poor weather conditions.

If you're cutting a tree that's already dead or dying, choose a time when weather conditions are calm. The safest time is early in the morning. Don't attempt to cut anything if it's too windy, because branches can fly back at you with deadly force after being cut.

Use caution when trimming trees near houses or other structures.

You don't want to cut off any branches that extend too close to windows or power lines, so if you can, try to do your cutting at a distance away from buildings, or cordon off the areas where you're cutting with protective barriers and trim away from the house, paying extra attention to where the debris is likely to fall.

Beware of falling branches.

A fallen branch can become a projectile, so be sure to trim your trees at the proper height. Protect yourself from falling debris by wearing heavy-duty gloves, long sleeves, long pants, socks with closed shoes or boots, and goggles if possible to avoid any mishaps.

Have a plan for what you're going to do with the trimmed branches.

You can either compost the trimmings or take them to the dump. If you do decide to place them in your compost pile, clearly dedicate an area with sufficient space around it so that no one is injured by the branches when they're either gathered there or removed.

Need to trim a tree that's very tall and imposing? Find a professional to do the job for you.

While some people are confident in having a go at trimming a large tree, if you're not entirely comfortable with heights or if the tree is very tall and imposing, consider bringing in a professional to do the cutting.If you need advice on how to trim trees safely or would like some information and a great price on the best power tool for the job, our friendly and expert team are always on hand to assist.Contact us today on 1800 558 400 and we'll help make your yard work easier!Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn

Upgrade Your Lawn Mowing Experience With the Rover Mini Rider 382

Is your old push lawnmower starting to feel like a pain? Are you dreading having to spend another Saturday afternoon pushing that thing around? Well, it's time for an upgrade! The Rover Mini Rider 382 is the perfect solution for anyone who wants a better lawn mowing experience.


Upgrade Your Lawn Mowing Experience With the Rover Mini Rider 382

Is your old push lawnmower starting to feel like a pain? Are you dreading having to spend another Saturday afternoon pushing that thing around? Well, it's time for an upgrade! The Rover Mini Rider 382 is the perfect solution for anyone who wants a better lawn mowing experience. This ride-on mower is easy to operate and makes short work of even the biggest yards. If you're ready to take your lawn care game to the next level, then be sure to check out the Rover Mini Rider 382!

What's awesome about the Rover Mini Rider 30"

The Rover Mini Rider 30" is a versatile and powerful riding lawn mower that's perfect for both small and large yards. Some of the key features that make it special include a powerful 382cc Rover Engine, a durable pressed steel deck, and a comfortable high-back seat. The engine provides plenty of power to tackle tough jobs, while the body is built to last. The high-back seat is adjustable and provides excellent support, making it ideal for mowing the lawn in comfort.Other great features include:
  • 6-speed manual transmission
  • 5 position cutting height adjustment
  • Key start
  • 36" turning circle
  • 9 litre fuel tank
  • 5-year warranty
  • cup holder

How it's easy to operate the rover mini rider 382

The Rover Mini Rider is a compact ride-on mower that's easy to operate. With plenty of power to tackle tough lawns, it's surprisingly easy to drive and manoeuvre. Additionally, the mower deck can be easily raised and lowered, making it simple to adjust the cutting height. Overall, this Rover is a great choice for anyone looking for an easy-to-use ride-on mower.

How you'll save time and energy with the Rover Mini Rider 30"

Mowing the lawn is one of those necessary evils that we all have to deal with. But it doesn't have to be a chore. The Rover Mini Rider 30" 382 ride on mower is designed to make your mowing experience as efficient and effortless as possible. With its compact size and powerful engine, the Mini Rider can easily maneuver around obstacles and get into tight spaces. And the 30" cutting deck means that you can cover a lot of ground quickly. So whether you have a small yard or a large one, the Rover Mini Rider will help you get the job done in no time. And because it's so easy to use, you'll actually enjoy mowing the lawn again.The Rover Mini Rider 30" 382 Ride On Mower is a great choice for those looking for an easy-to-operate mower. It's powerful enough to tackle even the toughest lawns and comes with a number of helpful features, such as an adjustable seat, a cup holder, and mulching capabilities. But, best of all, the mower's compact size makes it easy to maneuver around tight corners and areas of your yard. Overall, the Rover Mini Rider 30" 382 provides an outstanding combination of power, features, and ease of use - making it an excellent choice for anyone in the market for a new ride on.If you've been thinking about upgrading to a ride-on and feel the Rover Mini Rider could be a great solution for you, just call in and visit one of our locations or phone on 1800 558 400, we're here to help.

How to Cultivate a Great Lawn: 5 Tips and Tricks for an Amazing Yard

A well-kept lawn is a valuable asset, but growing a fantastic lawn takes time and commitment. In this blog article, we'll share some pointers and methods to assist you to get started on the right foot and maintaining your grass so it keeps looking great!


How to Cultivate a Great Lawn:  5 Tips and Tricks for an Amazing Yard

If you're like most people, you take great pride in your lawn. It's the first thing that people see when they drive or walk up to your house, and it makes a statement about who you are as a homeowner. A well-maintained lawn is an asset, but cultivating a great lawn takes time and effort. In this blog post, we'll provide some tips and tricks to help you get started on the right foot and then keep your lawn looking fabulous!

Tip #01: Start by doing a soil test

The first step in lawn care is determining what type of soil you have. This can be done with a simple soil test kit from your local garden centre or home improvement store. Once you know the pH and nutrient levels of your soil, you can start to make adjustments to get your lawn looking its best.

Tip #02: Mow regularly

Mowing your lawn regularly is one of the most important things you can do for it. Not only does it help keep it looking neat and tidy, but it also helps keep the grass healthy by removing the dead ends from the blades. Most lawns should be mowed at a height of between two and three inches and more often in summer than winter.

Tip #03: Water wisely

Watering your lawn properly is essential for keeping it healthy. Too much or too little water can both be damaging, so be sure to gauge just how much water your lawn actually needs. In general, lawns should receive about an inch of water per week. In dry seasons you can water manually with a garden hose or use a lawn sprinkler to automate the process but of course, if you live in an area with frequent rainfall manual watering may not be required often at all.

Tip #04: Fertilise regularly

Fertilising your lawn is another key component of lawn care. A good fertiliser will provide your lawn with the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and grow strong. Be sure to read the instructions on the fertiliser package carefully so you know how much to apply and when to apply it. Most lawns need fertiliser twice a year, once in the spring and once in autumn.

Tip #05: Keep on top of your lawn health

A healthy lawn is less susceptible to weeds, pests, and diseases, so it's important to take steps to keep it in good condition. Regular mowing, spraying, watering, and fertilising are the key to a healthy lawn, but you can also help by aerating it and removing any debris that may have accumulated.Following these tips will help get your lawn off to a great start, but they're just the beginning! To keep your lawn looking its best, you'll need to be willing to put in the time and effort required. With a little bit of persistence and time, you'll be able to cultivate a great lawn that will be the envy of your neighborhood!And remember, we're always here and available to help answer any of your lawn care and maintenance queries on 1800 558 400.

Battery Operated vs Fuel-Driven Yard Tools: What’s Best for You?

While electric yard tools are becoming more popular, fuel-driven yard tools still have their advantages. In this blog post, we take a look at some of the pros and cons of battery-operated vs. fuel-driven lawn tools.

Battery Operated vs Fuel-Driven Yard Tools: What's Best for You?

When it comes to yard tools, there are two main types: battery operated and fuel-driven. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages, so it can be tough to decide which is best for you.In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of both battery-powered and fuel-driven yard tools, so that you can make an informed decision about which type is right for you.

Battery operated yard tools

For many of us, taking care of our yards is an important part of maintaining our homes. While some people enjoy the traditional approach of using petrol-powered tools, others prefer the convenience and environmental friendliness of battery-powered tools.In recent years, the market for electric yard tools has grown rapidly, and there are now a wide variety of options available. Among the most popular are battery-operated lawnmowers, which offer many advantages over their fuel-powered counterparts.They're quieter, lighter, and easier to operate, and they produce zero emissions. Battery-operated hedge trimmers and leaf blowers are also becoming increasingly popular, as they offer similar benefits. If you're considering making the switch to battery-powered yard tools, it's important to do your research and find the right products for your needs.

Fuel-driven yard tools

While electric yard tools are becoming more popular, fuel-driven yard tools still have their advantages. They're more powerful than battery-operated tools and can handle tougher jobs, making them a better choice for larger yards. They also tend to be cheaper than electric tools. If you're looking for a tool that can handle heavy-duty tasks, a fuel-driven tool is likely the best option for you.However, it's important to note that these tools produce emissions, which may not be ideal if you're concerned about the environment. They also require regular maintenance, such as oil changes and filter replacements.So, what's the best option for you? It depends on your needs and preferences. If you need a powerful tool that can handle tough jobs, a fuel-driven tool is likely the best option for you. However, it's important to note that these tools produce emissions, which may not be ideal if you're concerned about the environment. If you're looking for a lightweight, easy-to-use tool that produces zero emissions, battery-powered tools could be your best option.At The Mower Place, we've got friendly and professional staff who know the ins-and-outs of all yard tools and would be happy to discuss the best tools to meet your needs. Pop into one of our handy locations or give us a call on 1800 558 400 and we'd be happy to help.

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The Mower Place is among the largest dealers of outdoor power equipment in Australia. The business has been established for over 30 years and services a broad range of customers including domestic users, professional contractors, commercial users and Government institutions.

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