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The Stages of Grass Growth, Understanding the Cycle of Your Lawn’s Life

For Australian homeowners, understanding the stages of grass growth is a huge help towards having a beautiful and healthy lawn. The life cycle of grass can be divided into four distinct stages: germination, growing, maturing and rest. Understanding the way your grass grows will help you keep your lawn looking green and lush over time.Let’s take a look at each stage in more detail. 

Germination Stage 

The germination stage is when the seed begins to sprout and form roots. This process can take anywhere from 3-14 days, depending on the type of grass and soil conditions. During this time, it's important the soil remains moist but not overly saturated as this can cause root rot or disease. You should also avoid mowing until after germination has occurred because this can risk damaging the new shoots.  

Growing Stage 

Once germination has occurred, the grass enters its growing phase. During this time, it's important to provide adequate water, sunlight, and nutrients so that your lawn can grow strong and healthy. You should also mow regularly during this phase, as this helps promote strong growth by encouraging thicker turf with reduced competition from weeds or other plants. Regular mowing also helps keep your grass looking neat and tidy while keeping it healthy by encouraging air circulation between blades of grass which in turn can reduce fungal diseases.  Finally, don’t forget to fertilise during this stage, being sure to follow expert advice and product recommendations so as not to over-fertilise.

Maturation Stage 

After about three months of growth (depending on your climate), your grass will enter its maturation phase. At this point, it’s important to reduce your watering frequency slightly since too much water can lead to disease or nutrient deficiency in mature grasses. It’s also important to continue regular mowing as before; however, you may want to lower your blade setting slightly for a more manicured look if desired. Finally, adding a slow-release fertiliser is an option you may like to explore.

Resting Stage 

Finally, after a few months of continuous growth (again, depending on the climate), your lawn will enter its resting period known as “dormancy”, where it needs less water and nutrients than normal for it to stay healthy until germination comes around again! During dormancy, try not to mow too often (or set blades too low) since over-mowing can cause scalping, which leads to weakened turf that is more prone to disease/infestation! Additionally, be sure not to give up watering completely; instead, just cut back slightly so that roots don't dry out completely, which would prevent them from absorbing moisture and nutrients.Most of us take our lawns for granted. We mow, water, and fertilize without really understanding the magical cycle of growth that takes place beneath our feet. Understanding the four stages of grass growth is essential for maintaining a beautiful lawn all year long and at Mower Place, we love healthy lawns and helping you achieve them. For any of your lawn tool needs, we'll have something that does the job and lightens the load to give you more time to enjoy your yard. Get in touch with us today; we're here and happy to help!

Mulching or Bagging Your Lawn Clippings – Making the Right Choice

Maintaining a pristine lawn is a delicate process that requires time and effort. One important aspect of caring for your lawn is mowing and then deciding what to do with your clippings. Should you mulch them or bag them? Is one a better option than the other, and if so, why? Let's take a look at the pros and cons of each option to help you make an informed decision. 


There are numerous benefits to mulching your lawn clippings rather than disposing of them in other ways. Firstly, it's much more eco-friendly than throwing away or burning your grass cuttings, as it helps reduce waste by returning essential nutrients to the soil. Secondly, it helps retain moisture in the soil, so you don't have to water as frequently – this is great for those hot summer months when water conservation is important!Additionally, it also protects from extreme temperatures since it has insulation properties, and; finally, mulched grass clippings act as a natural fertilizer for your lawn – meaning you don't need to use as many chemical fertilisers, which can be harmful to plants and animals alike!   While there are many benefits associated with mulching your lawn clippings, there are also some potential drawbacks you should be aware of before deciding if this it's the right option for you. For example, if you don't regularly maintain your mower blades, they may become dull over time and not cut through larger chunks of grass effectively – resulting in unevenly chopped pieces that won't break down quickly enough or provide adequate nutrition for your plants.It's also important to make sure your clippings are disease and pest free because if not, the mulch perpetuates the problem or can even spread those pathogens to other plants. As such, make sure you inspect your grass regularly for potential signs of infection and take preventive measures if necessary.Lastly, if you allow too many clippings to pile up, they may form a thick layer that blocks sunlight from reaching the soil – preventing essential photosynthesis, and too much mulch can result in excess nitrogen being released into the soil, which could harm new seedlings or even cause weed growth.


Bagging your lawn clippings is fairly simple - all you need to do is attach a catcher or bag to your mower and collect the clippings in it. Once the bag is full, simply detach it from the mower and empty it into a bin or compost pile.Catching and bagging your clippings has several advantages over leaving them on the ground. Most importantly, if you choose to dispose of them in a bin or off-site rather than composting them yourself, they won’t add any organic material back into the soil, which could lead to over-fertilization and an imbalance in pH levels. And since they won’t be left on the lawn itself, they won’t create bare patches where weeds can take root and spread. Finally, if members of your household suffer from allergies, removing grass clippings can help alleviate symptoms.While bagging is a much cleaner option than leaving clippings on the ground, it can be quite labour-intensive since you’ll need to stop and empty the bag when full. Additionally, you'll need somewhere to store the lawn clippings until you’re ready to dispose of them. As you can see, there are both pros and cons to both methods when it comes to dealing with lawn clippings after mowing. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference based on what kind of results you want and also how much work you are willing (and able) to put into lawn care. Ultimately only you know what's best for your yard, so experiment with both options until you find something that suits you best. Of course, we're always here to advise and help with any of your lawn care needs.

5 Things you should never do to your lawn

A lush, healthy lawn can take your outdoor space to the next level, but only if you care for it properly. When it comes to maintaining a healthy lawn, there are certain things you should always do and certain things that you should never do. And while it's not rocket science, some of the things you should avoid are surprisingly common mistakes. So, if your lawn is looking a bit lacklustre, it may be because of something you’ve done...or haven’t done... that’s contributing to its poor health. Read on for five things you should never do to your lawn and why.

Never Scalp Your Lawn (Cut It Too Short)

Scalping your lawn by cutting it too short can be incredibly damaging. By doing this, you’re taking away most of the grass blade, which means the plant doesn’t have enough leaf surface area to photosynthesise and grow new shoots. This leaves your lawn vulnerable to disease, weeds, and pests, as the grass plants won’t have enough energy to defend themselves and withstand the elements. It also makes your lawn look patchy and uneven due to the lack of growth underneath the mower blades.

Don’t Cut Wet Grass

Mowing wet grass is a bad idea because it can clog up your mower and make cutting difficult. Not only that, but wet grass can stick together, making it harder for the blades of the mower to cut through them properly. On top of that wet grass clippings tend to stick together in clumps which makes them harder to spread out across the lawn evenly, leading to an uneven growth pattern over time. 

Don’t Over Fertilise

Fertiliser is essential for keeping your lawn healthy and green; however, applying too much will burn your grass instead of nourishing it. Excess fertiliser can also make its way into waterways, where it causes algal blooms that deplete oxygen levels in water sources and can kill aquatic life. Use only the amount recommended by a professional, or follow the instructions on the packaging carefully. Additionally, try using organic fertilisers instead since they are better for both your lawn and the environment in general!  

Don’t Mow With A Dull Blade

Using a dull mower blade on your grass is essentially like giving yourself a bad haircut; it just doesn't look good! Dull blades can tear at the ends of grass blades instead of cutting them cleanly, causing brown tips on newly cut blades that give your entire lawn an unhealthy appearance. Keeping a sharp blade on hand will ensure you get a nice, even cut each time without damaging the underlying grasses in any way!

Don’t Water Too Often, and Never Over-Water

It may seem counterintuitive, but too much water can be just as bad for your lawn as not enough. Overwatering can lead to issues such as fungal diseases or root rot due to an excess buildup of moisture around roots which prevents oxygen from reaching them properly. To avoid this issue problem, make sure you only water once or twice each but of course; this is dependent on weather conditions.Taking care of your lawn is a significant responsibility, and it takes time, patience, and knowledge to make sure it stays healthy and green all year round. Knowing what to do is important, but so is knowing what not to do! Staff at the Mower Place are experts in providing the right lawn care advice for your place, so get in touch, and we'd be happy to answer any questions and help you with the tools needed to get the job done.

The Growing Popularity of Battery Operated Lawn Care Tools

If you're an Australian homeowner, you know having a beautiful garden and lawn requires effort. But maintaining it can be time-consuming and expensive. Fortunately, the green revolution of battery-operated lawn care tools is here to help make the job easier. Let’s take a look at just a few of the types of tools available, why they're becoming increasingly popular, how to choose the right one for your lawn care needs and the many benefits they provide. 


Going green has never been easier with battery-powered lawnmowers. They offer the power of traditional gas-guzzling mowers without all of the harmful emissions and noise pollution, making them perfect for homeowners seeking a cleaner, healthier outdoor environment. Additionally, battery-powered lawn mowers feature whisper-quiet operation, allowing you to conveniently mow your lawn without disturbing your neighbours. And best of all, they require minimal maintenance and expense - no fuel or engine oil refills are required! With their superior performance and eco-friendly design, it's no wonder battery-powered mowers are quickly becoming the choice of many homeowners.


Battery-operated chainsaws are an excellent choice for those who don't want to deal with the mess of fuel while still getting powerful performance out of a saw. Not only do they offer all the convenience of traditional cordless power tools, but they also provide up to 10x more torque than a petrol engine, allowing you to cut through even toughest braches with ease. Furthermore, battery-operated chainsaws are incredibly quiet compared to petrol models, making them ideal for those wanting to work in the evening or during the early hours. All-in-all, for anyone looking for a clean and convenient cutting experience that is still highly effective and powerful, battery-operated chainsaws have it all.

Grass Trimmers

Every lawn enthusiast knows keeping a yard looking neat and tidy takes a lot of work. Fortunately, battery-operated grass trimmers (also known as whipper snippers) make the job easier. They are simple to use yet powerful enough for most household needs. Battery-operated grass trimmers reduce the noise pollution of regular fuel-powered trimmers and can be used virtually anywhere - from your front lawn to small flower beds. They provide the perfect balance between budget and convenience and so if you're looking for a reliable and efficient way to keep your lawn looking its best without breaking the bank or ruining the environment, then they are a great choice.

Choosing the right tool for your needs 

When it comes to choosing the right battery-operated tools for your lawn care needs, there are several factors to consider. Depending on how big your yard is, you’ll want to make sure that you get tools with enough power and battery life to last through the job. Additionally, if you have particularly difficult terrain, you might want to find tools with variable speed settings so that you can work more efficiently and safely in different areas of your yard. The easiest thing to do is get in touch with one of our helpful team members who'd be happy to help!

The Surprising Health Benefits of Gardening: Why It’s Good for You

Gardening is a popular hobby that involves the cultivation and care of plants, whether it's a small container garden on a balcony or a sprawling backyard plot. It can be a therapeutic and rewarding activity that allows people to connect with nature, get some exercise, and enjoy the beauty of plants. But beyond its aesthetic and emotional benefits, gardening has a number of surprising health benefits. In this article, we will explore the various ways in which gardening can benefit physical and mental health, and provide tips for getting started with gardening.

The Physical Benefits of Gardening

  1. Exercise: Gardening can provide moderate to vigorous physical activity, depending on the tasks being performed. Tasks such as digging, raking, and hoeing can provide a cardiovascular workout while lifting and carrying pots or bags of soil can help to build strength. Gardening can also help to improve flexibility and balance, as it involves a range of motions and positions.
  2. Stress relief: Gardening can provide a sense of calm and relaxation, as it allows people to disconnect from the stresses of daily life and focus on the present moment. The rhythmic and repetitive nature of gardening tasks can also help to promote mindfulness and reduce anxiety.
  3. Vitamin D: Gardening can provide an opportunity to get some sun exposure, which can help to boost vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is essential for bone health and can also play a role in immune system function.
  4. Social connections: Gardening can be a social activity, as it provides an opportunity to connect with others who share a similar interest. Whether it's working on a community garden or gardening with friends and family, the social aspect of gardening can have positive mental health benefits, and we'll explore more of these next.

The Mental Benefits of Gardening

  1. Cognitive stimulation: Gardening can help to keep the mind active and engaged, as it involves problem-solving, decision-making, and planning. It can also provide an opportunity to learn new skills, such as plant identification or soil management.
  2. Creativity: Gardening allows people to express their creativity and personal style, as they can choose the plants and design elements that they find most appealing. This can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience that helps to boost self-esteem and self-worth.
  3. Sense of accomplishment: Gardening can provide a sense of accomplishment and pride, as people can see the fruits of their labour in the form of beautiful plants and flowers. This can be especially rewarding for those who may not have other outlets for achievement in their daily lives.
  4. Improved mood: Gardening has been shown to have a positive effect on mood, as it can help to reduce stress and anxiety and promote feelings of happiness and well-being.

Tips for Getting Started with Gardening

  1. Start small: If you're new to gardening, it's a good idea to start small and gradually build up to larger projects. This can help to reduce the risk of frustration or disappointment and allow you to learn at your own pace.
  2. Choose the right plants: Consider the space and resources available when selecting plants for your garden. Look for plants that are well-suited to your climate and soil type, and choose varieties that are appropriate for your level of experience.
  3. Learn from others: If you have a friend or relative who is an experienced gardener, consider asking for their advice and guidance. There are also many online resources and local gardening clubs that can provide valuable information and support.
  4. Don't be afraid to make mistakes: Gardening can be a learning process, and it's important to remember that mistakes are part of the journey. It can take several seasons for plants to settle in properly and reach their full potential, so try to be patient and enjoy the process.
 Gardening is an activity that has been enjoyed by people of all ages for centuries, and it can provide both physical and mental health benefits. With the right information and resources, anyone can become a successful gardener. Whether you're just starting out or have an experienced green thumb, take the time to enjoy the many benefits that gardening has to offer!

How to Safely Use a Brushcutter: A Comprehensive Guide

Brushcutters, also known as weed whackers or line trimmers, are versatile tools that are commonly used to cut grass and weeds in areas that are difficult to reach with a lawn mower. They can be powered by a variety of sources, including fuel, electricity, or battery, and use a spinning line or blade to cut through vegetation. While brushcutters can be very effective at maintaining a tidy landscape, they can also pose safety risks if not used properly. In this guide, we will cover the basic safety precautions to take when using one as well as provide tips for effective and efficient operation.

Choosing the Right Brushcutter

Before using a brushcutter, it's important to select a model that is suitable for the job at hand. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a brushcutter for your yard needs:
  1. Power source: Brushcutters are available with different power sources, including petrol, electricity, and battery. Consider the size and type of the area you will be trimming, as well as your personal preferences, when selecting a power source.
  2. Cutting mechanism: Brushcutters can use either a spinning line or blade to cut through vegetation. Blades are typically more effective at cutting thicker or tougher growth, while lines are better suited for lighter grass and weeds.
  3. Weight and size: Brushcutters can vary significantly in weight and size, and it's important to choose a model that is comfortable and easy to handle. If you are going to be using the trimmer for extended periods of time, look for a model with ergonomic features such as a padded handle or adjustable length.
  4. Features: Modern brushcutters often come with a range of features, such as adjustable cutting heights, automatic line feed, and adjustable handle positions. Consider which features will be most beneficial for your needs.

Safety Precautions for Using a Brushcutter

  1. Wear protective gear: When using a brushcutter, it's important to wear protective gear to reduce the risk of injury. This should include safety glasses or goggles to protect your eyes, earplugs or earmuffs to protect your hearing, and sturdy shoes to protect your feet.
  2. Follow the manufacturer's instructions: Before using a brushcutter, be sure to read and follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully. This will help to ensure that you are using the tool correctly and safely.
  3. Maintain the brushcutter: Regular maintenance is important to ensure that your tool is in good working order. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for cleaning and lubricating the trimmer, and replace worn or damaged parts as needed.
  4. Use caution around power lines: Yes, this is really just common sense. But it's essential to understand if the trimmer comes into contact with a power line, it could cause serious injury or even death.
  5. Be aware of your surroundings: When using a brushcutter, be aware of your surroundings and avoid trimming near obstacles or objects that could be damaged by the trimmer. This includes things like fences, walls, and landscaping features.

Operating a Brushcutter

  1. Start the tool correctly: Follow the manufacturer's instructions for starting the brushcutter. If it has a fuel shut-off valve, be sure to turn it on before starting the engine.
  2. Hold the brushcutter properly: it's crucial to hold it properly to maintain control and avoid accidents. Wrap your fingers around the throttle trigger, keeping it pressed lightly against your palm, and place your other hand on the loop handle for additional support. Move the trimmer in an even motion: Begin trimming at one end of the area, and move steadily across in a sweeping motion.
  3. Be sure to maintain an even speed:  This will ensure that the trimmer works efficiently and evenly, cutting the grass.
  4. Clear debris regularly: As you are trimming, be sure to stop and clear away any debris that has accumulated on the line or blade. This will help to prevent blockages and keep your tool working at its best.
  5. Stop the engine: When you are finished trimming, be sure to turn off the trimmer and allow it to cool down before storing it away. Never leave a running brushcutter unattended.
 By following these tips, you can keep your brushcutter in good working order and use it safely for years to come. With the right tool and proper maintenance, you can easily and quickly maintain your lawns and gardens. To discuss the best brushcutter for your needs, get in touch with one of our professional staff, who'd be happy to show you our range of models. We're ready to help make your yard work hassle free!

Great Reasons To Use Mulch for Weed Protection

Do you want a lush and weed-free garden? If so, mulching is the way to go! Mulch can help prevent weeds from taking over your outdoor space, and it also gives your garden an attractive finish. In this blog post, we’ll cover how mulch can be used to keep weeds away from your garden.

What is Mulch, and How Does it Work?

Mulch is a layer of material applied to the surface of soil in order to conserve moisture, improve soil structure, and suppress weeds. Mulch can be made from a variety of organic materials, such as wood chips, leaves, straw, or grass clippings, or from inorganic materials, such as plastic or rubber. Regardless of the type of mulch used, it serves as a protective barrier that helps to prevent weed seeds from germinating and growing.

The Top 5 Benefits of Using Mulch for Weed Control

  1. Increased Moisture Retention: Mulch helps to conserve moisture in the soil by reducing evaporation and preventing water from running off. This is especially beneficial during hot, dry periods when grass and other plants are prone to drought stress. By keeping the soil moist, mulch can help to reduce the need for frequent watering and prevent weeds from establishing.
  2. Improved Soil Structure: Mulch can help to improve the structure of soil by adding organic matter as it decomposes. This can help to improve the soil's ability to retain water and nutrients, leading to healthier plants and a more vigorous lawn.
  3. Enhanced Aesthetic Appeal: Mulch can add a finished, polished look to a landscape, as it helps to cover up bare patches of soil and create a cohesive look. Mulch comes in a variety of colours and textures, so it's easy to find a type that matches the style of your landscape.
  4. Reduced Maintenance: Mulch helps to suppress weeds, which means less time spent pulling them by hand or applying herbicides. This can save time and effort, and also reduce the risk of exposure to chemicals.
  5. Environmental Benefits: Mulch made from organic materials can help to reduce waste by repurposing yard waste that would otherwise end up in a landfill. Inorganic mulch, such as plastic or rubber, can be less environmentally friendly, as it does not break down and can release chemicals into the soil. However, there are options for inorganic mulch made from recycled materials, which can be a more sustainable choice.

How to Apply Mulch for Optimal Weed Control

  1. Prep the Area: Before applying mulch, it's important to prepare the area by removing any weeds and debris that may be present. This will help to ensure that the mulch can be applied evenly and will be effective at suppressing weeds.
  2. Choose the Right Mulch: As mentioned earlier, there are several types of mulch to choose from, each with its own unique characteristics. Organic mulches, such as wood chips or leaves, will decompose over time and need to be replenished, while inorganic mulches, such as plastic or rubber, will last longer but may have a lesser impact on the soil. Consider the needs of your landscape and the level of maintenance you are willing to commit to when selecting a mulch.
  3. Apply the Mulch: Once you have chosen the right mulch, it's time to apply it to your landscape. A general rule of thumb is to apply a layer of mulch that is 5 - 10 cm inches thick. Be sure to spread the mulch evenly and avoid piling it too thickly against plants or trees, as this can cause problems with moisture retention and pest management.
  4. Water the Mulch: After applying mulch, it's essential to water it to help it settle and begin working its magic. This will also help to keep the soil moist, which is crucial for maintaining healthy plants and suppressing weeds.
 By following these steps, you can ensure that your mulch is applied correctly and effectively to help keep weeds at bay. Mulch is an easy and cost-effective way to keep your landscape looking beautiful, while also helping to reduce the need for frequent watering and weeding. Plus, mulching can help to enrich the soil with organic matter and improve the health of your plants. So, get out there and start mulching; you'll love having a weed-free garden as the result!

Does Your Yard and Garden Affect the Value of Your Home?

When it comes to home value, the interior of a house is usually the first thing that comes to mind. But the exterior of a home, including the yard and garden, can also play a significant role in its value. A well-maintained yard and garden can add curb appeal and make a home more attractive to potential buyers, while a poorly maintained one can turn people off. In this article, we will explore the various factors that can affect the value of a home's yard and garden, and provide tips for improving their value.

The Role of Curb Appeal

Curb appeal is the term used to describe the appearance of a home from the street, and it can have a big impact on the value of a home. A well-maintained yard and garden can contribute significantly to a home's curb appeal, as it can make the property look inviting and well-cared for. On the other hand, a cluttered or overgrown yard can make a home look uninviting and even unkempt. There are several elements that can contribute to a home's curb appeal, including the condition of the lawn, the presence of flowers and other plants, and the overall layout and design of the yard. Investing in these areas can pay off when it comes time to sell a home, as it can make the property more attractive to potential buyers.

The Importance of Maintenance

Maintaining a yard and garden can be time-consuming and labour-intensive, but it's an important factor in the value of a home. Neglecting maintenance can lead to a number of problems, such as overgrown grass, dead plants, and weed growth, which can all detract from a home's value. On the other hand, a yard and garden that is well-maintained can make a home look more attractive and well-cared for, which can increase its value. This includes tasks such as mowing the lawn, trimming bushes and trees, and removing weeds and debris.

The Benefits of Landscaping

Landscaping is the process of designing and caring for the outdoor areas of a property, and it can have a significant impact on the value of a home. A well-designed landscape can add visual appeal and functionality to a yard, making it more attractive to potential buyers. There are many elements that can be included in a landscape design, such as plants, flowers, trees, shrubs, walkways, patios, and water features. Choosing the right mix of these elements can create a cohesive and visually appealing outdoor space that adds significant value to a home.

Tips for Improving Your Yard and Garden to Boost Your Home's Value

  1. Maintain the lawn: A well-maintained lawn is a critical part of a home's curb appeal. Be sure to mow the lawn regularly and fertilise it as needed to keep it healthy and green.
  2. Plant flowers and other attractive plants: Including beautiful flowers and plants in your garden can add colour and visual interest, as well as provide habitat for wildlife. Choose plants that are well-suited to your climate and soil type, and be sure to water and fertilise them as needed.
  3. Remove weeds and debris: Keep your yard free of weeds and debris, as they can detract from the overall appearance of the property. Regularly remove weeds and clean up any fallen branches or other debris.
  4. Consider landscaping: If you have the budget, consider hiring a professional landscaper to design and install a landscape that complements your home. This can add significant value to a property and make it more attractive to potential buyers.
 By following these tips, you can create an outdoor space that increases the value of your home and adds visual interest and excellent curb appeal to the property. If you have any yard care questions or want advice on the best tools for the job, our professional staff members are here to assist, just call in or browse our website today!

How to Safely Clear Fallen Tree Branches After a Summer Storm

After a big, wild summer storm, there's a reasonable chance you might be left with large branches or even whole trees down in your yard. This can be a daunting task to tackle, but with the right tools and know-how, it's definitely doable! Here are some tips on how to safely clear fallen tree branches to help prevent any further damage to your property and also help keep your family and pets safe from harm.

Assess the Situation

Before you start clearing away any branches, it's important to take a moment to assess the situation. If there are downed power lines in the area, do not attempt to remove any branches yourself. Call your local power company and wait for them to arrive before proceeding. If there are no downed power lines, you can begin safely removing the branches yourself but always remain alert and aware in case the situation changes.

Remove Small Branches by Hand

For small branches, the best way to remove them is by hand. If the branch is too big to lift, you can use a saw or axe to cut it into smaller pieces that can be lifted and removed easily. Be sure to wear gloves and long sleeves when handling any broken branches, as they may be sharp and it's easy for scratches to become infected so it's best avoiding them.

Use a Chainsaw for Large Branches

If you have a chainsaw, this is the best tool for removing large branches. Start by cutting through the branch at its base. Then, work your way up the branch until it has been completely severed. Use caution when operating your chainsaw, and be sure to read the manufacturer's instructions carefully before using it.

Cut Up and Remove the Trunk of a Fallen Tree

If you come across a large tree that has fallen, it will be important to remove the trunk, as well. This can be done using a chainsaw and requires cutting the tree in sections until it's small enough to lift. If you're removing a large tree on your own, consider calling in some help or renting a heavy-duty stump grinder to make the job easier.Once all of the branches have been removed, take a moment to clean up any debris or sawdust that may remain. Then, you can begin digging out the stump or call in someone to do this for you.Having a strong shredder on hand can also be helpful in removing fallen tree branches. Remember to take all necessary safety precautions when working with heavy tools and equipment, and always exercise caution when clearing out debris after a storm.By following these tips, you'll be able to safely clear away fallen branches and other debris from your yard after a summer storm, making your property safe and secure once again.​ 

Tips for keeping your yard green in the hot Australian Summer

Summer is just around the corner, which means hot weather, long days, and BBQs with friends. But it also means taking extra care of your lawn to make sure it stays green and healthy throughout the hot season. In this blog post, we’ll give you some tips on how to do just that. We’ll cover everything from watering to fertilising and weed control. We’ll even touch on some water conservation tips to help you save both money and water, and by the end of this post, you should have all the information you need to keep your lawn looking its best all summer long.

The Basics of Summer Lawn care in Australia

Australian summers can be incredibly hot and humid, so it's important to take whatever steps are needed to keep your lawn healthy. Make sure you're watering it deeply and regularly, and also make sure to mow high – this will help protect your lawn from the sun and heat. Additionally, consider adding some shade with some landscaping trees or shrubs. With a bit of effort, you can enjoy a healthy lawn all summer long!

Watering Your Lawn in the Summer Heat

Watering your lawn in the summer heat can be a challenge. Here are some tips to help:- Give your lawn about 2 - 3 cm of water per week during the summer.- Water your lawn in the morning or early evening when it's cooler.- Don't water your lawn on hot, sunny days. The sun will cause your grass to dry out faster.To make watering your lawn in the summer even easier, consider using a sprinkler system on a timed watering schedule. This will give you confidence that your lawn is being watered evenly and efficiently and that it stands the best chance of remaining healthy during the heat.

Fertilising Your Lawn in the Summer

When fertilising in summer, avoid using too much nitrogen fertiliser as an excess of nitrogen can cause foliage problems and reduce grass growth. Instead, use a slow-release fertiliser that will work better in hot weather conditions.

Dealing with Weeds in Your Lawn

Weeds are a common problem in lawns and gardens and can be difficult to get rid of. They also seem to grow prolifically during the warmer months. There are a few things you can do to identify and deal with weeds:- Perform a thorough inspection of your lawn to identify weeds and the type of weed. Each type of weed will require different methods for removal.- Remove any weeds that are present by hand, using tools like trowels or pruners as needed. Be careful not to disturb the roots too much when removing weeds.- Use a garden hose to wet the weeds down, then pull them out by hand. Be careful not to damage the surrounding vegetation.

Conserving Water When Caring for Your Lawn

Water is one of our most precious commodities, and Australian summers can be hot and dry, therefore making it important to conserve water when caring for your lawn. One way to use less water is with a trigger nozzle on your hose, which will help you avoid wasting water by having it spray wastefully all over the place. Direct sprinklers so that the water goes only on the lawn, not on the driveway or sidewalk. Water early in the morning when there is less evaporation occurring. Additionally, consider landscaping with native plants that don't need as much water. Doing this can help reduce your overall water usage and save you money in the long run.While these are all good tips, they're not the only things you can do. There are a few easy ways that you can conserve water even more. For example, if there's rain forecast, wait to water your lawn until later in the day when nature's giving you a hand, and there's less opportunity for it to evaporate. Another way to save water is by using a water tank if you have one. This will allow you to collect rainwater and use it for irrigation or other needs without having to waste town water. Finally, think about how much water your plants need and give them what they need rather than too much (or too little!)


As you can see, there are a number of things you can do to keep your lawn healthy during the hot Australian summer. By following these tips, you'll be sure to have a green and healthy lawn all cricket season long! If you have any questions or need specific assistance or advice, our team at the Mower Place is always happy to help. Give us a call on 1800 558 400 today!

3 Awesome Cordless Yard Tools to Give This Christmas

If you're looking for the perfect Christmas gift for the handyman or woman in your life, look no further than an easy-to-use cordless yard tool. A quality cordless yard tool can make any gardening or home improvement task a breeze and is guaranteed to be a much-loved practical gift for those who enjoy spending time out in the garden.With a huge range of options on the market, we've written this blog post to showcase some of our Stihl favourites, and there's bound to be one that's just right for your loved one. So whether you're thinking they'd appreciate a brushcutter, a leaf blower, or a hedgetrimmer, we've got you covered.

Stihl FS 91-Z Bike Handle Brushcutter

Would your loved one be excited to receive a reliable brush cutter to tackle tough landscaping tasks under the tree? Then it seems like the Stihl FS 91 Z Bike Handle Brush Cutter should be on the gift list. This unit provides powerful cutting performance thanks to its low-emission engine and durable, long-lasting blades. It also features an ergonomic bike-style handle for improved comfort and control during use. And with easy access to the air filter and spark plug, maintenance is quick and simple. Whether it's clearing overgrown vegetation or shaping hedges, the Stihl FS 91 Z Bike Handle Brush Cutter has everything you need for efficient and effective yardwork. Don't hesitate - shop now to gift this versatile tool to their landscaping arsenal this Christmas.

Stihl BG86 Blower Standard

As a homeowner or even a professional landscaper, keeping outdoor spaces clean and tidy can be a never-ending task. Leaves and debris can quickly build up, creating an unsightly mess. Wouldn't you love to give the gift of easier yard work to a loved one this Christmas? With the Stihl BG86 Blower, they'll be able to easily clear away debris from driveways, sidewalks, patios and yards. The powerful engine offers outstanding blowing power, while the ergonomic design makes it comfortable to use for extended periods of time. And with its low-emission technology and high fuel efficiency, the BG86 is both environmentally friendly and cost-effective. So whether their yardwork involves tackling light debris or heavy leaves, the BG86 Blower promises to be a reliable solution for all their clearing needs.

Sthil HSA45 Battery Hedgetrimmer

Could your loved one get great use from a new hedge trimmer? Look no further than the STIHL HSA 45 battery-powered model. Not only is it powerful, with a cutting speed of 2,100 strokes per minute, but it's also environmentally friendly thanks to its lithium-ion battery. And with an ergonomic design and anti-vibration system, this trimmer is comfortable to use for extended periods of time. Plus, with a 16-inch blade length and 7/10-inch tooth spacing, it can tackle even the thickest hedges with ease. The STIHL HSA 45 is the perfect choice for both small and large trimming jobs, and we bet they'll be excited to find this waiting for them under the tree!Whether you're looking for a gift for the gardener in your life or you're wanting to upgrade your own cordless yard tools, these three options are sure to please. With their powerful motors and easy-to-use designs, these tools will get your gardening done quickly and efficiently, making them a welcome addition to any home. So why not take the hassle out of Christmas shopping this year and visit us at Mower Place to give the gift of a cordless yard tool? Your loved ones (and their gardens) will thank you for it!

The Importance of Tool Guards

Anyone who has ever used a power tool can attest to the fact that they are incredibly useful for getting the job done quickly and efficiently. However, power tools can also be very dangerous, and every year there are accidents involving people being injured by tools that were not being used properly. In order to avoid these accidents, it's important to always use a tool guard when operating a power tool. As sellers of a wide range of power yard tools, at Mower Place, we take safety seriously and always promote the use of tool guards. In this blog post, we take a look at why tool guards are so important and how they can help to keep you safe while using powered yard equipment.

What is a Tool Guard?

A tool guard is a safety device that's designed to protect the user from coming into contact with the moving parts of a power tool. Tool guards can be purchased for most types of power tools, and they are typically made from tough plastic or metal. Some tool guards are permanently attached to the power tool, while others can be removed when not in use and for better cleaning of the tool.

Why Are Tool Guards Needed?

Tool guards are important because they help to prevent accidents. If you are using a chainsaw, for example, and your hand slips, the guard will ensure that your hand does not come into contact with the blade. This can potentially save you from serious injuries such as lacerations or even amputation. It is always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to using power tools. The consequences of not using a guard can be very severe, up to and including death. In fact, nearly 60% of all power tool accidents involve some kind of injury to the hand or fingers, and so having a guard correctly fitted is really common sense. 

How to Use a Tool Guard Properly

In order to use a tool guard properly, you need to make sure that it is properly attached to the tool. Once the guard is in place, make sure that your hands and fingers are kept well away from any moving parts of the tool. If you need to adjust the position of the guard, make sure that the power tool is turned off and unplugged first. Never attempt to remove a tool guard while the tool is in use.


Tool guards are an important safety measure for anyone who uses yard power tools regularly. Always make sure that the guard is properly attached before powering up the tool and never attempt to remove it while the tool is in use. Our professional staff are powered yard tool experts and are always available and happy to help you choose the right tool for your needs. Give us a call or visit us online today!

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The Mower Place is among the largest dealers of outdoor power equipment in Australia. The business has been established for over 30 years and services a broad range of customers including domestic users, professional contractors, commercial users and Government institutions.

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