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The Stages of Grass Growth, Understanding the Cycle of Your Lawn’s Life

For Australian homeowners, understanding the stages of grass growth is a huge help towards having a beautiful and healthy lawn. The life cycle of grass can be divided into four distinct stages: germination, growing, maturing and rest. Understanding the way your grass grows will help you keep your lawn looking green and lush over time.

Let’s take a look at each stage in more detail. 

Germination Stage 

The germination stage is when the seed begins to sprout and form roots. This process can take anywhere from 3-14 days, depending on the type of grass and soil conditions. During this time, it’s important the soil remains moist but not overly saturated as this can cause root rot or disease. You should also avoid mowing until after germination has occurred because this can risk damaging the new shoots.  

Growing Stage 

Once germination has occurred, the grass enters its growing phase. During this time, it’s important to provide adequate water, sunlight, and nutrients so that your lawn can grow strong and healthy. You should also mow regularly during this phase, as this helps promote strong growth by encouraging thicker turf with reduced competition from weeds or other plants. Regular mowing also helps keep your grass looking neat and tidy while keeping it healthy by encouraging air circulation between blades of grass which in turn can reduce fungal diseases.  Finally, don’t forget to fertilise during this stage, being sure to follow expert advice and product recommendations so as not to over-fertilise.

Maturation Stage 

After about three months of growth (depending on your climate), your grass will enter its maturation phase. At this point, it’s important to reduce your watering frequency slightly since too much water can lead to disease or nutrient deficiency in mature grasses. It’s also important to continue regular mowing as before; however, you may want to lower your blade setting slightly for a more manicured look if desired. Finally, adding a slow-release fertiliser is an option you may like to explore.

Resting Stage 

Finally, after a few months of continuous growth (again, depending on the climate), your lawn will enter its resting period known as “dormancy”, where it needs less water and nutrients than normal for it to stay healthy until germination comes around again! During dormancy, try not to mow too often (or set blades too low) since over-mowing can cause scalping, which leads to weakened turf that is more prone to disease/infestation! Additionally, be sure not to give up watering completely; instead, just cut back slightly so that roots don’t dry out completely, which would prevent them from absorbing moisture and nutrients.

Most of us take our lawns for granted. We mow, water, and fertilize without really understanding the magical cycle of growth that takes place beneath our feet. Understanding the four stages of grass growth is essential for maintaining a beautiful lawn all year long and at Mower Place, we love healthy lawns and helping you achieve them. For any of your lawn tool needs, we’ll have something that does the job and lightens the load to give you more time to enjoy your yard. Get in touch with us today; we’re here and happy to help!

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