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Mulching or Bagging Your Lawn Clippings – Making the Right Choice

Maintaining a pristine lawn is a delicate process that requires time and effort. One important aspect of caring for your lawn is mowing and then deciding what to do with your clippings. Should you mulch them or bag them? Is one a better option than the other, and if so, why? Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of each option to help you make an informed decision. 


There are numerous benefits to mulching your lawn clippings rather than disposing of them in other ways. Firstly, it’s much more eco-friendly than throwing away or burning your grass cuttings, as it helps reduce waste by returning essential nutrients to the soil. Secondly, it helps retain moisture in the soil, so you don’t have to water as frequently – this is great for those hot summer months when water conservation is important!

Additionally, it also protects from extreme temperatures since it has insulation properties, and; finally, mulched grass clippings act as a natural fertilizer for your lawn – meaning you don’t need to use as many chemical fertilisers, which can be harmful to plants and animals alike!   

While there are many benefits associated with mulching your lawn clippings, there are also some potential drawbacks you should be aware of before deciding if this it’s the right option for you. For example, if you don’t regularly maintain your mower blades, they may become dull over time and not cut through larger chunks of grass effectively – resulting in unevenly chopped pieces that won’t break down quickly enough or provide adequate nutrition for your plants.

It’s also important to make sure your clippings are disease and pest free because if not, the mulch perpetuates the problem or can even spread those pathogens to other plants. As such, make sure you inspect your grass regularly for potential signs of infection and take preventive measures if necessary.

Lastly, if you allow too many clippings to pile up, they may form a thick layer that blocks sunlight from reaching the soil – preventing essential photosynthesis, and too much mulch can result in excess nitrogen being released into the soil, which could harm new seedlings or even cause weed growth.


Bagging your lawn clippings is fairly simple – all you need to do is attach a catcher or bag to your mower and collect the clippings in it. Once the bag is full, simply detach it from the mower and empty it into a bin or compost pile.

Catching and bagging your clippings has several advantages over leaving them on the ground. Most importantly, if you choose to dispose of them in a bin or off-site rather than composting them yourself, they won’t add any organic material back into the soil, which could lead to over-fertilization and an imbalance in pH levels. And since they won’t be left on the lawn itself, they won’t create bare patches where weeds can take root and spread. Finally, if members of your household suffer from allergies, removing grass clippings can help alleviate symptoms.

While bagging is a much cleaner option than leaving clippings on the ground, it can be quite labour-intensive since you’ll need to stop and empty the bag when full. Additionally, you’ll need somewhere to store the lawn clippings until you’re ready to dispose of them.

 As you can see, there are both pros and cons to both methods when it comes to dealing with lawn clippings after mowing. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference based on what kind of results you want and also how much work you are willing (and able) to put into lawn care. Ultimately only you know what’s best for your yard, so experiment with both options until you find something that suits you best. Of course, we’re always here to advise and help with any of your lawn care needs.

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