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How to Safely Clear Fallen Tree Branches After a Summer Storm

After a big, wild summer storm, there’s a reasonable chance you might be left with large branches or even whole trees down in your yard. This can be a daunting task to tackle, but with the right tools and know-how, it’s definitely doable! Here are some tips on how to safely clear fallen tree branches to help prevent any further damage to your property and also help keep your family and pets safe from harm.

Assess the Situation

Before you start clearing away any branches, it’s important to take a moment to assess the situation. If there are downed power lines in the area, do not attempt to remove any branches yourself. Call your local power company and wait for them to arrive before proceeding. If there are no downed power lines, you can begin safely removing the branches yourself but always remain alert and aware in case the situation changes.

Remove Small Branches by Hand

For small branches, the best way to remove them is by hand. If the branch is too big to lift, you can use a saw or axe to cut it into smaller pieces that can be lifted and removed easily. Be sure to wear gloves and long sleeves when handling any broken branches, as they may be sharp and it’s easy for scratches to become infected so it’s best avoiding them.

Use a Chainsaw for Large Branches

If you have a chainsaw, this is the best tool for removing large branches. Start by cutting through the branch at its base. Then, work your way up the branch until it has been completely severed. Use caution when operating your chainsaw, and be sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully before using it.

Cut Up and Remove the Trunk of a Fallen Tree

If you come across a large tree that has fallen, it will be important to remove the trunk, as well. This can be done using a chainsaw and requires cutting the tree in sections until it’s small enough to lift. If you’re removing a large tree on your own, consider calling in some help or renting a heavy-duty stump grinder to make the job easier.

Once all of the branches have been removed, take a moment to clean up any debris or sawdust that may remain. Then, you can begin digging out the stump or call in someone to do this for you.

Having a strong shredder on hand can also be helpful in removing fallen tree branches. Remember to take all necessary safety precautions when working with heavy tools and equipment, and always exercise caution when clearing out debris after a storm.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to safely clear away fallen branches and other debris from your yard after a summer storm, making your property safe and secure once again.​


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