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How To Build A Sandpit

How To Build A Sandpit

How To Build A Sandpit

If you and your kids are planning to do some DIY or looking for an activity, building a sandpit is one of the best options. With the right tools, it is an easy task that they can enjoy. And the great thing is, you can customise it to suit your space.

The first thing to consider is the placement of your sandpit. Once a sandpit is assembled, you can no longer move it so you should remember this step. Make sure that it is somewhere close to home and somewhere visible so you can keep an eye on your tiny humans.

It’s also important to remember that it should not be directly under the sun. To protect your kids from UV rays find a shady spot or add a shade sail once your sandpit is built.

Once you have a location, the next step is to determine the size of the sandpit to build. Of course, the bigger the pit, the more room for playing there is to enjoy. But also, more sand! For this build and the instructions below the sandpit is 1.5m x 1.5m, with a depth of 30cm. It will also include bench-style seats for your children or a spot for you to sit on while you supervise.

Now, it’s time to get building!

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • 13 round wooden posts/stakes (diameter: 10 cm)
  • 2 planed-edge boards, at least 20 cm wide
  • Wood screws
  • Play sand
  • Sandpit geotextile
  • Chainsaw
  • Staple gun
  • Drill
  • Metre rule
  • Sawhorse
  • Screw clamps


If you have longer posts or stakes, cut them to 1.5m or as required. Measure, mark and sew the excess wood. To avoid people getting caught when walking by, a round of the edges with a chainsaw.


Since this sandpit follows the traditional log cabin style, the next step is to carve out some notches so you can stack the stakes on top of the other so you can form a wall.  Start by making marks on the stakes. It is important to make sure that the notches are of the same height on both sides. Use a ruler or something straight to draw a perfect line from one end to another.

The next step is to make paper templates to create uniform notches. These templates can be used to set out the shape you need to cut out for the second stake in the notch, at right angles to the first, forming the sandpit’s corner.

To have the same height on both sides of the notches, fold the template in the middle and align it halfway with the one you already marked on the stake.

Be careful when cutting out the notches because they are key to the structure and stability of your sandpit. Saw vertically then use a hammer for the extra wood pieces.

Smooth the notch with a chainsaw carefully. Repeat these steps for all stakes, keeping one intact. Be sure to test if the stake fits to avoid any issues.


To make sure the sandpit is levelled on the ground, the bottom stake needs to be split lengthwise. Secure the leftover stakes without notches with a clamp so it doesn’t rollover. Mark a straight line on the stake before using the chainsaw.


It’s now time to assemble. Start by placing two halved pieces your preferred location to form the opposing walls, then follow by positioning the two-round stakes with the notches downwards onto the half stakes on the ground.

Once they fit and you’re happy with it, secure them using a drill. Continue this process until all the stakes are used.


Almost done! Now to mount the bench seats, just lay the flat planks on top of the sides and secure it with your drill.


The last step is to line your sandpit. This way, the contents are separated from the ground. This will keep your sandpit clean and free from insects and grassroots.

To do this, attach the lining to the base with a staple gun. Don’t forget to do up the sides. When done, you can now fill the sandpit with sand and enjoy!

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